6ft5 86 kilo grams
i probably have about 5 kilos of fat left? i wanna be big but ripped im closer to being lean than i am being muscular so should i just continue to burn this last fat off and clean bulk to 100 kg?
Unironically should i cutt or bulk
clean bulk now and then cut
haha move the camera a little bit lower
when do i know when to cutt?
yeah this you have no muscle to speak of
when u r 2 fat
that would get me banned haha ive been fooled to many times
arent i to fat now? ive been called fat for 10 years and i came to fit/ to get advice and people called me fat so i lost 70 lbs but i dont have abs yet i think i need to cutt more
Cut has one t you fucking faggot
klienfelters syndrome look at this women pubic shape, are ur balls atrophied bro?
You think you have 5% bodyfat? You're closer to 20% with that physique bud
not really no lol
when did i say im 5%? i said im 5 kilos off until ill have walk around visable abs
Cutt your fucking pubes
Nah nigga, closer to 10kg I would say
fuck really? 6 ft 5 at 76 kilo grams? thats so light???
You don't have abs because you have no muscle
bro are you the same guy repeating yourself or are all the people on this site bitter like god damn its impossible to not have muscle unless you have some illness stop being a jealous fag post your body cock shitter or meet me irl so i can break ur skull with my elbow short little boy
mmmmm lemme suck that pee pee
I'm gonna hold you down while you're in your bed sleeping, you faggot and start ass raping you. As you cry and beg for me to stop ripping and tearing your boi boi pussy a part, my hot cock will swell up all the way to the tip practically jumping inside you from excitement. Im gonna bite your fucking ear off while pumping your plump faggot ass full of my hot cum amd lick your neck, you fairy. See you tonight.
Cut until 12%
You should work out.
you should exercise