Cardio kills gai-

>cardio kills gai-

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Source me

>cardio is not ga-

One day you degenerate faggots will be wiped off this board for good. One day.


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The sooner the better.

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>looks like cute tomboy in thumbnail on catalog
>actually some gay shit
Damn, why you gotta do us like this user?

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Sounds like youre just a fag trying to trick yourself straight by being into “tomboys”

That character is infinitely more man-like than OP

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Fuck off.

Why are white boys fetishized this way? It’s weird

if you dont change the fucking text im gonna report you for spam fucking retard

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the coffee one was funnier

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it doesnt even make sense

bru plz gib souce


Attached: soy quote.jpg (640x591, 96K)

Learn how to image search, cumbrian retard.

coffee = funny inside joke
memes don't make a lot of sense.

Dumb cumbrain

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>this is your brain on coom

It looks white the tiny dick gives it away


i have no words for such mega degeneracy

What is degenerate about jogging


i thought it was a cute tomboy when i saw the thumbnail.
im disappointed in you OP.

all these cumbrains...

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it basically is
just ignore the shape in the shorts and thats literally just a tomboy in a binder


Oh please not a fucking 9

i guess.
let's make up for it by posting tomboys

Attached: ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀ tomb bait.gif (320x240, 1.08M)

Guess I'll just kill myself

>says the cumbrain

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Thats not even a tomboy, just a girl with short hair.

horny beetles, by aian

Closet fags are the worst

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Tomboys are gay as fuck, just like muscle girls. Stop watching and reading porn and start liking real girls, you homosex fuckers.

But it’s not a man at the end of the day

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Not convinced those aren’t dudes though

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theyre dead

Yeah and fat guy with man tits and gyno is straight right? Gtfo with that logic.

Be honest with me Jow Forums if I have the upper body of OP's character, and a lower body like this guy, am I "attractive"? Are the fit guys who'd be into me?

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You like men, faggot, just admit it.

What the fuck kind of mental gymnastics is that?

Attached: tomboy bait.jpg (3464x3464, 1.92M)

>haha look, I'm using buzzwords wrong, I'm so funny and hilarious!

ftm's mixed in with femboys mixed in with cis girls

>i’m straight bro trust me

Its all strictly no homo

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i don't know what to believe anymore.

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There are literal actual men in this picture I hope you realize that.

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Here, have another
It’s all biological women

Attached: 7D6D9170-52D0-46E2-BC13-16665C8ED2B2.jpg (3464x3464, 2.21M)

You should go outside more often if you have trouble telling who's a man in this picture.

Nope, one of those guys has actually done gay porn.
Hate to fucking break it to you buddy, but youre a fag, welcome to the party.

>liking tomboys isnt gay, I just like looking at “women” that look almost identical to men

Post proof
But they are women

Attached: 9D7FF3FC-F5B4-40B5-9004-FC14F1CF5EE5.jpg (1080x1159, 161K)

Imagine licking the belly button haha.


so who is a woman and who is a man?
maybe im bisexual, or what am i? i dont know, i'll just stay home and work on my minecraft SMP server, i gotta build that canal through the town...

>thread starts with anime smut
>devolves into faggotposting
hmm is there a correlation here

5 or so of these are men.

3 or 4 in the lower half are guys, there's probably more.

I made both pics, and to the best of my knowledge it’s all women, even have nudes for a few of them

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The anime smut is of a fag

Which ones? :^)

Attached: 783868B9-F841-4CC7-A272-93B8AC830456.jpg (1080x1350, 164K)

are they real women? like women women? like born as woman, raised and biologically woman?

>got into trap/tomboy hentai at 16 or so
>gradually blurred the line between twinks and tomboys
>this somehow descended into sissy stuff
>now i'm literally just bi
Thanks, internet. Also post more cute bo- er, tomboys.

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Hey Anons, I'm currently doing 1.3 to 1.4 miles in eleven minutes when I run, can I get it to 1.5+ in two weeks. I'm finding the current pace comfortable now

They're women (male)

They’re all biologically female, though I’m sure some of them have some crazy gender identity or some shit like that

Attached: CDBA3D6B-19D3-43FF-A546-9916117C8FA0.jpg (960x1280, 101K)

Reminder that the guys criticizing tomboys and varbies are all trapfuckers that consider men to be girls if they just act like sissies.


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>thread is literally about fag shit
>”””””coincidentally””””” tomboy faggots show up
Wow what a coincidence, truly these “straight” man just coincidentally confused their highly fetishized preference for male-looking “women” with this literal male twink smut, purely and merely a coincidence indeed I am sure.

Prove they are all biologically female, faggot.
Or are you just saying that because that’s what you want to believe?

is it gay to like women? sure, women suck cocks and are into men and all which is kinda homosexual and all, but still.

You like how they look like men. That IS gay.

Do it, kys also.

What you were consuming at 16 was already not really straight, don’t think it was internet that turned you bi
I think so. Doing 1 min hard, 1 min light jogging is a great way to build pace for those medium length pieces. Pyramids are also great, e.g. 4 min at a jogging pace, 3 mins quicker, 2 mins even quicker, 1 min fast and back down, pick the speeds based on what you can do with constant speed intervals between steps

Attached: 21110B5E-6F22-4BD5-98A5-C0A1DAB2CDE0.png (700x737, 167K)

but they are women? presumably?

If liking manly women makes you gay, then I guess liking girly men makes you straight, huh?

We’re on a blue board and I don’t want to upset my good friend the jannie, so can’t really post nudes. Anyways, which ones do you doubt?

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This is actually a dude, I remember seeing it on twitter.

That’s what some anons would like to believe anyways

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I am cumbrain

>Pyramids are also great, e.g. 4 min at a jogging pace, 3 mins quicker, 2 mins even quicker, 1 min fast and back down
Thanks user, that sounds like a good idea. I've just been setting the treadmill to 12kph and running till I hit the time limit I've set myself.

>w-we’re on a blue board
And your spamming pictures that are completely unreated to /fitness/ in a thread thats just shitposting anyways so youre already breaking the rules, pussy

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