>he's over 22 and never been in a relationship
lol you're fucked for LIFE
>he's over 22 and never been in a relationship
lol you're fucked for LIFE
I got my first gf when I was 24 bruh
>he's over 22 and never been in a relationship
How is that even possible? Don't your friends introduce you to girls when you go out on weekends? Do you reject every girl that has a crush on you or something? What have you been doing for the last ten years?
>go out on weekends
>girl that has a crush on you
man i wish
>girl that has a crush on you
>What have you been doing for the last ten years?
What friends dude?
You see the problem?
>He's over 22 and still post on Jow Forums
That's how dumb you sound
this has to be bait if not then please leave
Hah I lost my virginity when I was 15 and was in a relationship then too Just it was with another guy. But its still something nerd
Fear not for we will not alone in this suffering. it will get worse as time go on.
Joke's on you faggot, I'm only 22 and a khv.
how old was the other guy? were you the same age
He was a year older. 16
>Do you reject every girl that has a crush on you
People here still fall for bait like this. Sad really.
if one person finds this info relevant then i'm content.
my white trash chad friend who manages to fuck girls on tinder had me over his crib one day with an 18 yo asian he was seeing, coupled with other friends.
the next day she told him that she thought one of our friends was gay and she didn't think i was gay at first but later on she started thinking i was gay.
i was almost livid when my friend told me but i cracked a smile on my face and played it off like i didn't care.
it doesn't matter if she's stupid i know she's stupid, but a women's sense is a women's sense. if she gets gay vibes from me then i wonder what other women i have talked to think.
i didn't do any gay shit either it's all about the way people perceive you
>out on weekends
Yeah I've accepted it and become a paypig for a younger, better looking guy
Girls probably get gay vibes from me, but I can't say I'm mad about it because I get gay vibes from myself too.
Girls always tell me to have more confidence and speak up and "be a man". I think it's their way of implying I'm gay without saying it straight to my face.
I was fucked from the beginning.
Shitty parents make awful kids.
Don't worry, I'll off myself when I can't stand it anymore
Is the idea of someone without any friends really so inconceivable for an obtuse normalfaggot like you ?
fucking lmaoo I almost believed this post was serious
You are my hero. We are the same, but different mindset,