Hey lads, what is the biggest problem with your life?
Hey lads, what is the biggest problem with your life?
The fact ross stopped making gaming dungeons...
continuing boredom with no way out.
eternal damnation
thats my punishment.
He's got a bunch of stuff in the works, according to ross time the next video will be on games as a service with game dungeons to follow.
Does everything bore you?
I don't do my assignments on time i have a decent sized essay due tomorrow and I've only got two pages done. On top of that i have a power point and another essay due this week. If i could say anything else i'd say its my inability to talk to women i'm attracted too.
no gf
Girls have been friendly to me lately, but it's still very hard to actually get something done.
My life is just a string of failures, I've been a NEET for 7 years and I'm 24 years old, I have never finished anything I have ever set out to do and I larp as intelligent because I read science textbooks despite being a high school drop out. Every time I try to finish a game I walk into a technical roadblock that's literally impossible to overcome with the tool I have or the shitty computer I have, I have such a sporadic and unorganized day to day life that I can never get anything of note done. Every single small success just makes me sit down for the rest of the day and do nothing,
I wish I could just sit down and read a book for an hour, instead I'm jumping through 6 different books on a bunch of different topics while watching youtube and browsing Jow Forums, as a result I have accomplished nothing and have gaps in my knowledge. I've grown so accustomed to multitasking I can't see myself doing one thing for a prolonged period of time.
I wish I was like Ross, the amount of work he puts is insane and really deserves way more subscribers but youtube's god awful system works against people like him.
tl;dr I'm old, useless and sad
My broken fucking brain. Autism and inhereted bullshit ruined it to begin with, but depression has fucked it to the point of being unusable. I'm probably sub-90 IQ now because of it; short term memory is fried, motivation gone, learning potential gone.There's no fucking fix, man. Tried fitness, failed attempts of socializing, meme shit like Omega 3 supplements, and fuck all makes a difference.
i am a failure and it is all my own fault
My mission appears compromised. The humans grow more suspicious
Huwaito piggus.
im ugly and im a huge fucking loser
spent so much time trying to improve my life, got a job, go to the gym, it was all for fucking nothing
Lack of contacts/support
No money
No interest in life
Overwhelming negativism
Escapism replaced anything even remotely meaningful
I dunno, not having a hobby like all the people I interact with regularly including losers online
Browsing the internet and Youtube DON'T count cause I'm sick and tired
But I drop everything else I try to get into
neet/no skills/no experience/nothing that could get me further in life
Knowing that Ross lives off of beans, water, and mold
Being the opposite of dead.
Waiting another 3 months to enjoy my life again
No steady source of income or money.
My pp itches
either my piss poor performance in college or my deformities.
overall the deformities has fucked me socially and mentally since middle school so i'll go with deformities
I am rotting away from the inside out and can never get physically comfortable or still my thoughts.
at 34, i have never found motivation in life. at 14 i knew i'd never amount to anything or form romantic relationships, and i never did either. 20 years of neet life with 2 college degrees and no debt, but no real work experience