Have you ever bought something from an e-girl's amazon wishlist?

Have you ever bought something from an e-girl's amazon wishlist?

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what's in her wishlist OP

no because im not a fucking moron

buying her things wont make her like you.


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who is this loli and why is everywhere

she will definitely 'like' you a bit for buying her stuff, OP

probably not the way you want tho
but who can tell, I've seen girls change bfs because of cars

Cute fashion stuff, vinyls, video game books. I've been following this girl for 5 years online, and she still has no idea I exist. I'm too ashamed to try to talk to her because I'm a total loser. But it makes me happy thinking she'd get a surprise from me...kms

I have, I like her as a person, I wanted to give a little thanks for the work she puts out which my cock greatly enjoys

Yea I spent 130 dollars on a girl I met online ask me anything

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5 years is a lot of time OP

change your target. that boat has sailed

What did you buy her? Did you know her personally? Was it worth it to see her happy?

Here's the thing, I don't want to date her. I'm a girl and project all my dreams onto her. She's an art student, likes the same obscure music scene I do, and has tons of friends. I feel like I could've been her in another universe. I just can't let her go.

Is the runner up best girl kaguya from love is war. Shes Also not a loli she just acts like a child in this episode.

well, you were borna man, and you should accept that

but ok, let's try this. first you introduce yourself to her. then you think about buying her stuff

if you are a trannie, liek I think you are, you need to wait for her reaction
if you are a girl, post tits, then it's easy peasy to tell if a girl will be your friend or not, that would not be a problem if you were one,like at all, so kys trannie

those girls really aren't the ones you want as a girlfriend if thats how they behave

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May I ask who it is?

So basically you want to your dreams are to be a slut? Stop wasting our time dumb whore.



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>post tits
You guys do realize that its very easy to find a random pic of boobs online?

how old are you and what are you doing here on this website?

Fucking newfags lurk like a proper summerchild

Yes, but not of your tits

I will say this one time only.
Spending money on thots repulses them, at that point you become a worthless rag in their eyes.
If you want their attention you are better off launching insults at them.

yeah but then it's not as personal and intimate

now post tits you fucking bitch

I bought her frames for her prescription glasses. I bought her cute boots. The rest was birthday money and stuff. I saw her vent and post to her twitter for 5 years and she started following me a year in after I told her I thought she was really cool. She has depression and I would always send her support and care and encouragement. I know I helped her immensely.

I fell in love with her and in the last two years is when I started spending money on her. It really made me happy to see her happy, and not just from the money, long before then I could tell I was helping her find the strength to keep on living.

Just a few weeks ago she found someone in her city and they started dating. He treats her right. I'm so happy for her, I've never seen her this way. She's doing the best she's ever done in life. so why does my chest hurt when I think of it

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cos you got cucked you fucking moron

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Normalfags can't understand the attachment. I'm sorry, user. It's both really painful and really nice to see them happy isn't it? You helped her blossom, so be happy about that.

The girl I orbit I've never talked to, but she used to post her stream of consciousness on social media, so it felt like I was her friend. When she moved to twitter and got older, it slowed down. Now I see her referencing inside jokes with her twitter friends and know there's so much going on I can't observe. God I feel like a crazy person. I feel like if I was a ghost I would just float along after her to watch her daily life.

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>helped her blossom
I did. I'm so happy for her...
She lives across the country. I know if I was there physically... I could have held her close.. I can't blame her. It's such a deep bittersweet taste.

>I feel like if I was a ghost I would just float along after her to watch her daily life.
I agree, i've had the same thought. Though I'd rather be an angel...

Kill yourself. It's a mass noun that can be grammatically countified you uber hipster faggot. Open an english texbook

I expected nothing and im still disappointed

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>Have you ever bought something from an e-girl's amazon wishlist?
not exactly her wishlist but i got her gift cards, a set of expensive drawing markers and some medicine

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What kind of medicine? Illegal drugs? Or her happy pills. If the latter then you're a good person.

i bought this cute girl we had as an officer on a wow private server a case of Monster because she made the guild give me a Neltharions Tear. I guess that counts?

Not really. Sounds like friends being friends.

I'm a fucking loser and I still am glad I have never even interacted with an eGirl

So this is how rich people treat others likes dogs

But I'm not rich?? I'm actually quite poor. But it was for her sake...

medicine to help treat medical issues, no recreational drugs

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You're a good person user. I'm sure she appreciates you so much.

>I'm sure she appreciates you so much.
nah. thrown in the trash and forgotten about.

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RIP user's heart. You're still a good person. I'm sorry.

How is a creep who thought he'd get pussy by buying her shit a good person?

I had a boy buy me the laptop I'm using right now
it's really nice, place videos game good
I appreciated it a lot