Hey Jow Forums just started exercising again, living in Norway , shits so fucking expensive...

Hey Jow Forums just started exercising again, living in Norway , shits so fucking expensive. What's the best/cheapest way for protein and is it mostly just stretching and nutrients to help with DOMS and recovery? Much thanks!

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t. poorfag amerimutt

Unironically just buying whey. Chicken breasts here are stupidly expensive but I guess your best alternative are maybe the Rema 1000 ones. They also got frozen breasts slightly cheaper

I got the cheapest whey from gymgrossisten. Been eating cold cuts and protein bread+knekebrek. But figuring I'd try the first price tuna soon and see if it helps

Torsk har mye protein og svært lite flerumettet fett i forhold til andre typer fisk (som er en god ting, sjekk ut Ray Peat for å lære mer). En bonus er at det inneholder en del jod.

Egg er også en god kilde til protein og næringsstoffer, relativt billig.

Hvis du har råd til det, så ville jeg fokusert på storfe og lam/fårekjott. Kvalitet på kjottdeig og hamburgere er ganske bra i forhold til andre land, tror jeg, så du trenger ikke nodvendigvis å spise biff.

Leverpostei og skalldyr har mye næring, men er ganske dyrt.

Melk og ost er veldig bra, men det er en grense på hvor mye melk du kan drikke, og ost inneholder ganske mye fett. Selv om det er sunt mettet fett (ja, jeg sa det), så ville jeg nok spist det i moderasjon.

"The World Health Organization standard was revised upward by researchers at MIT, and recently the MIT standard has been revised upward again by military researchers; this is described in a publication of the National Academy of Sciences (National Academy Press, The Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance, 1999). When too little protein, or the wrong kind of protein, is eaten, there is a stress reaction, with thyroid suppression. Many of the people who don't respond to a thyroid supplement are simply not eating enough good protein. I have talked to many supposedly well educated people who are getting only 15 or 20 grams of protein per day. To survive on that amount, their metabolic rate becomes extremely low. The quality of most vegetable protein (especially beans and nuts) is so low that it hardly functions as protein. Muscle meats (including the muscles of poultry and fish) contain large amounts of the amino acids that suppress the thyroid, and shouldn't be the only source of protein. It's a good idea to have a quart of milk (about 32 grams of protein) every day, besides a variety of other high quality proteins, including cheeses, eggs, shellfish, and potatoes. The protein of potatoes is extremely high quality, and the quantity, in terms of a percentage, is similar to that of milk." —Ray Peat

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Dra til Sverige og kjop en mongo mengde frossen kylling, ta med deg 20 stk i en buss for okt kvote på kjott

I've considered it but can't do it for a while so just protein powder, milk , knekebrek and going to see what cheap proteins on sale at rema or kiwi

dont you get oilbux from the governemnt

Nope I'm a student from Canada

Buy lungemos at the store and fry it with some ON I ON. (fuck this wordfilter).
Don't be a poorfag and sign up for a sats membership. Where ya'll fellow snowniggers work out?

insinuerer du at å skaffe 20 folk og en busstur helt til sverige og tilbake vil være billigere enn å bare kjope kylling på butikken?

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Oatmeal for breakfast, canned tuna for lunch1, knekkebrod with cheese for lunch2 and finally pasta & meatballs for dinner.

Also supplement with gymgrossisten protein

Tine Helmelk, 18 pakk egg fra Bunnpris. Da snakke vi bætre mæ gainz bruder. Svelg ditt cum. Fresh Fitness e gymmen.

Don't you have quark/kvarg in norway?

Where are you based man?

Get frozen torsk/cod, it's really nice.
Also frozen kylling/chicken can be had for around 100kr/kilo
if you can live with some fat, buy minced meat/kjottdeig

Går gratis buss flere steder i landet, til og med fra Trondheim.

I used to live there, in Oslo. On thing you can do is take the bus to Sweden and buy your meat or whey there

I don't live in Norway but i guess eggs and raw milk are cheap everywhere. Also go fishing once a month for whole day and freeze them after cleaning. Make sure you get enough fish for one meal a day.


En ol er en bra karbo kilde en gang i blant. Flere er enda bedre!

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