He still drinks coffee

>He still drinks coffee
Enjoy your weak 100mg of caffeine kek

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>he just found out about caffiene pills

Babies first thread? Caffeine pills have been talked about before you were born you fucking zoomer. Some ppl enjoy the taste of coffee

Coffee is typically 60-80mg per cup, so yeah, it's a nice little boost but caffeine pills are a little better. It's really easy to overdo the caffeine with the pills though, and your body adjusts to caffeine dosages very quickly.

Is it OK to have caffeine before working out?

>what are espresso shots?

what do you think pre-workouts are? at least the ones that actually fucking work

Do you think that if I knew I'd be asking this fucking question?


Adderall prescription

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>have my 2 strong black morning cuppas
>shit guts out
>go lift heavy fasted
Why is life so GOOD, lads?

Pills take way too fucking long to kick in for me.

I feel the effect of coffee or preworkout much faster.

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>not just enjoying good coffee through the entire day
Do you hate living, user-kun?

i ordered 450 caffeine pills of 140mg each and 300 of 420mg
see you guys on the other side

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enois mano

People who spend money on energy drinks and coffee are actual retards

Do coffee pills still make you piss afterwards like regular coffee?
I'm thinking is it a good idea to take them before a long distance run.

You're gonna get dependent on this shit if you take them regularly, and then have no energy and feel all groggy when you stop taking them.

No, if you have a coffee before working out, your heart will explode.

This has been well documented numerous times.

I drink energy drinks as a pre-workout(only on the upper body days tho, I don't need pre-workout for legs)

Do not make the beginners mistake of taking it before ur workout

I had a friend who took coffee before a workout once and now he has a pacemaker

>he's not sipping on sugar free energy drinks on the regular

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Drink. You DRINK coffee.

>furthering your addiction by consuming even larger amounts of caffeine
>removing the enjoyment of drinking coffee

>he doesn't inject his coffee

I bought nutricost unflavored protein. How do I tell if it is pure, without heavy metals and stuff?

>drinks coffee
>100mg of caffeine
motherfucker, what kind of bitch ass coffee are you drinking?

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what do you think coffee is, retard?

>Drinking anything, but water

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Considerably less caffeinated than an energy drink, maybe? You fucking melon.

>the virgin pill popper
>the chad coffee drinker

imagine being too much of a pussy to drink your caffeine like a man
you don't want too much caffeine either or it'll detract from your creatine gains

caffeine pills do nothing for me

>he depends on caffeine
Hah enjoy your bad heart later in life

did you fucking know you can make coffee as strong as you want you cunt?

post body

Of course you can, but if you put enough in to make it as strong as an energy drink then it tastes like shit. You can pretend that you like it (not coffee, I like coffee, but ridiculous oversaturated coffee) but at the end of the day, you really don't. Energy drinks are hardly great tasting but they go down easily.

Coffee hits harder and faster but doesn't last as long. It's because of the form the caffeine is in. Hydrated caffeine like in coffee, soda energy drinks etc get to your bloodstream faster. Caffeine anhydrous like in pill form has a milder feeling but lasts longer and increases your body temp more which is better for losing weight. That's why a lot of diet pills have caffeine as one of the primary ingredients.

>how do you take your coffee?
this guy can't into patrician diction kek

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

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Fuck caffeine dependence, I do enjoy a strong black cup of coffee though. Also I'm genuinely a nicer person to be around when caffeinated. Without coffee I can hardly stand other people sometimes.

>he's not sipping on sugar free energy drinks on the regular

> suger free
> free
> sucralose

Not grinding caffeine, creatine, and adderall into your pre workout shake

What if I drink ultra strong coffee, with 200mg of caffeine in just 12 grams? Works out cheaper too.

I'm doing a 4 week mesocycle where I up the intensity all the way up to 95% and deload on the 4rth week (identical to 5/3/1) and my caffeine intake goes as follows, pre workout:

>1st week: 200mg
>2nd week: 400mg
>3rd week: 600mg
>4th week: no caffeine

on my third week my adrenaline is through the roof and the rest of my day pretty much gets ruined by the crash that comes after the workout but nonetheless I get some amazing training sessions