How is this shit even possible?

How is this shit even possible?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get a camera and take a picture

idk man but if no one is paying you to shill the same racebait shit over and over again, then i'd say it's probably retardation

Easy, they dislike beta fags like you, they go for anybody that can provide economically, is entertaining to be with and is decently atractive, basically, everything you aren't

women on normal days prefer a rounder looking face but on the peak of their period they crave chiseled chad faces. Women by design cant make up their mind

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Probably step siblings. Fuck off.

Easy, he gave her a firm hand shake, he was himself and had a great personality. Either that or he's fucking HUNG


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lmao, here have a (((you)))

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Can you Asian Masculinity faggots fuck off back to your sub?

Who the fuck cares, and hes an idiot anyway because asian women are superior. Literally dating down by going for a blonde roastie instead of asian qts

How can asian girls even compete with this?

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White girls like Asian guys, not sure how this is news. Have you seen how popular K-Pop is in the US?

I can only imagine the sex they have. Tiny pepe in goddess-quality pussy.

Coalburning, ricecooking cunt.

>hes fucking HUNG
I've seen hung dudes of all races except asian

yes I'm sure u have Imao

Went on a date with my first white girl yesterday, no LARP. It went absolutely shit, but you know what? She was the first white girl that I ever asked out who said yes. I've banged non-white girls, but I never considered that I even had a chance with white girls. Now I know that it's possible.

Moral of the story is life surprises you sometimes.

Yeah, thats what I was implying retard

Only chinese and koreans have tiny dicks. All other asian ethnicities have normal to large sized dicks

Plenty of white girls love asian guys. You probably won't believe me but it's what I've gathered from my social circle.

Was she cute like OP's one tho?

>Plenty of white girls love asian guys
That's utter horseshit and you know it. Maybe if she's a mentally ill weeb or in it for the money.

>That's utter horseshit and you know it.
Have you not noticed kpop becoming something even normie girls love? Asian guys are the new "cool" type to like for a lot of girls

>How is this shit even possible?
Looks. Money. Status.

Let's hope so. I mean today was still shit and I felt like I was going to die alone because I fucked this date up, but that's usual. Give me a week and I'll get over it.

She was a PAWG. Curvy but not fat, but thick with wide hips. Not a Stacy, but I know a few Stacys.

Just be a talented violinist bro!

Attached: violinist.png (483x509, 487K)


Eh, his smile isn't great but I can tell he's cute with his mouth closed. I'd date him.

Seems like a pretty decent guy. Not really jealous though.

Attached: not jealous.png (925x594, 806K)

There's fucking hope for me, I have the same teeth when you look at it from the side.

He's cute yeah, looks really happy with her too. Happy for them.

Nothing wrong with those.

he's demonic looking

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Im a white zoomer and I'm not meming or shilling, but I've definitely noticed there is a growing subset of white girls who find Asian dudes very attractive.

I don't really understand what they're attracted to given that most Asians in Australia are manlets and pretty effeminate, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

it's the rise of kpop dude

Not the guy you're responding to, but it doesn't make any sense. Kpop dudes are super feminine and that isn't a good look in the US/Australia. Most girls want a guy who is in shape and obviously lifts. They don't have to be 10/10 aesthetic gods, but they want their men to look strong, not what kpop is pushing.

You're out of the loop, effeminate guys are pretty goddamn popular with some girls.

> Most girls want a guy who is in shape and obviously lifts.
that's a meme, girls have always liked skinny effeminate dudes, the only thing that matters is they have an attractive face

>Most girls want a guy who is in shape and obviously lifts
LMAO when was the last time you went outside??

Friendly reminder that this thread was made by Tenda Spencer. He's a mentally ill hapa also known on the internet as r/incels and r/hapas poster eurasiantiger, and the creator of Jow Forumsasianmasculinity. He's mad at white men because his chinese mom got knocked up by one. He also hates asian women for the same reason. He spends his days spamming various online communities with interracial bait threads.
His latest autism streak seems to be spamming this asian guy with the fucked up teeth. It's actually very sad when you think about it, he can't even find multiple asian guys with white gfs to post so he just spams this one endlessly.
Here's a quick rundown on his general style.
>starts thread with blatant bait, either very simple like, "why are white boys so weak?" or more elaborate where larps as a rich asian Chad (lol), a white incel, or a white guy who caught his gf looking at interracial porn or flirting with black/asian guys
>if he larped as a rich asian guy he'll go on and on about how many white girls he's fucked
>if he larped as having a gf he will have a conversation with himself and "convince" the "concerned white guy" to try cuckolding
>if he larped as a suicidal white incel he will samefag as 3-5 other white guys who "confirm" that white men simply can't get laid
>shits out as many samefag posts as possible pretending to be white guys who are worried that their gfs are cheating on them
>write multiple replies to those larps, telling them how "80% of white women have fucked black/asian guys before" and how "bbc/bac (lol) lovers are a growing demographic"
>bring up various interracial porn sites on why "loving black/asian guys is a growing trend" (I'm not even making this up, search desuarchive for "blacktowhite")
>bring up "rich asian guys being everywhere at universities and getting all the girls"
>larp as white guys who "admit defeat" and post about how they will probably try cuckolding or kill themselves because "there's nothing else left to do"

Attached: tenda crossdressing.jpg (2448x3264, 643K)

Most normie adult women, that is. Beiber and the teen pop stars are popular with teenage girls, but I would say less so compared to built Chads when it comes to adults.

Holy shit you're really out of the loop

bonus: He made a webcomic about incels vs Chad in which he's the Chad (he even drew all of his moles on the Chad character), and tries to portray white guys as having horrible jaws/chins, all the while looking like this

Attached: tenda profile.jpg (759x404, 38K)

No dude that's not how it works not at all

Is it possible to get a cute pale blonde girl by being just an Asian guy, or do you need some kind of obscure talent or lots of money?

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It is, sign up to interpals and claim your korean.

You dont even need to speak korean for them to talk your clothes off for you

>tfw was told interpals was a good place to find penpals from other countries
>signed up
>only got messages from japanese men asking me for sex
>not even a slightly sexy profile picture
I just wanted to write letters....

shits fucked nigguh

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>he thinks women like gymcels

Closeted homos like to project their preference for big muscular men on women.

The girl from my pic also hook up with subpar asian guys because it is her fetish, i've seen it and was not impressed, given that she works as a model is pretty nice irl.

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user gymcels are Jow Forumsfags who stay virgin regardless, I'm agreeing with you

Source? She's really pretty and if she really loves Asian guys as you said, that's prime fap material right there.

Her initials are on the filename, i'm not giving much more than that.

>this thread again
didn't you have enough of this yesterday?

Why are you being such a little bitch? I want that rice cookers name.

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