working out is the higlight of the day for me anyone else with this feel
Working out is the higlight of the day for me anyone else with this feel
Same breh I lift to unwind
Hanging with my gf is mine, but working out is a close second
Only when working out with friends. Otherwise it's just a good start of the day.
feels so good to go balls to the walls and slam those weights after uni/work
It’s when I feel best about myself
That's a sexy fucking cat.
I dont have friends and i get paid benefits once a month. When im in the gym i feel like im part of society. Sometimes i like to imagine a really sexy girl talking to me, i play out the conversation in my head.
I come up with a really interesting career then visualise asking out this imaginery girl. Im really funny and i can pretend what its like to feel attractive. It never happens ofcourse, i finish my set, go home eat, shitpost, then go back the next day.
the last experience I had better than lifting was high school wrestling 12 years ago
>i get paid benefits once a month.
literally just fuck off you fucking scumbag cunt. im sick of paying my taxes for some little scrotbag twat like you to spend your benefits on the gym instead of getting a job, literally any job.