Time for some tricep extensions, Jow Forums. Which one do you choose?
Time for some tricep extensions, Jow Forums. Which one do you choose?
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The flaccid black dick. Straight bar is for curls. Sociopaths use brokedick bar
Rope of course. More range of motion at the end
>not using all three
Sociopath here. I prefer the bent dick bar.
I just use the cable
>using any of these for triceps
weighted dips
close grip bench
top ROM focus OHP
Bent dick bar is the only way to go
the ropes. also how hard is it to build something like this at home? just a pulley and a coated cable with a weight attachment seems easy enough right?
Your arms are a fucking disgrace, i can just tell
never gotten activation in my triceps quite like the rope. shit works amazing
Post body.
Retard, cables are garbage for triceps since when you get close to failure its to easy to accidentally cheat.
Superman triceps extensions super set with kickbacks
thought i was the only one
I like skull crushers
Id love to but im brown so ppl will just call me racist names
>blaming the equipment for your poor form
I hope your lineage ends
Enjoy wasting the last 2 reps of every set brainlet. You're naturally going to rely on other muscles in that position as you near fatigue
Imagine ever doing true isolation and having disproportionate muscles that cant function in irl situations
>Tfw have to use v shape bar for pushdowns
or shoulders hurt
>Tfw have to use ropes to do cable hammer curls or foreharms hurt
why is my body so garbage
I think i enjoy having 19 inch arms, thank you VERY much.
>uh uh b-but i can train my triceps when doing OHP hurrrr
Its gonna crash down on your skull one day. I hope it doesnt but its likely
blaming the equipment for your dogshit form and inability to isolate a muscle enough
how do I do skullcrushers without hurting my elbow?
Post body.
Two different levels of cope
Do tricep extensions
Yes they are different
rotate your elbows outward at the top of the extension
Go to 4:20
The black ballsack is the obvious choice, but sometimes I do them with the V-bar, than I add more weight to it
Your moms a level of cope.
rope handle unless you don't want to get full ROM
good tip. i like full ROM better, but that could certainly save some people from their problems
v-bar, thats literally what its made for if im not mistaken
I do whatever is attached to the cable machine at he time. Usually the v shaped bar, sometimes the rope but the straight bars always go missing.
Then I do 5x8-10 with RPE about 8 and usually don't even bother logging it. They're tricep extensions, it's not rocket science.
You mean pushdowns?
yes very easy.
gets a bit tougher when you want to adapt the setup for curls also because you need another anchor point in the floor.
I bet several people in here have their shoulders forward and jackhammer the thing at ego weight
I used to exclusively use the rope (for years), then tried the straight bar (two weeks ago) and felt better tricep activation.
I use all three
I use the ropes for the outer heads, and a straight bar for the inner head.
sociopath checking in, i use V bar and rope
fuck off
You don't get any extra rom
I'm gonna do it anyways since you're a little bitch nigger
I take a fucking dumbbell and lift it over my head.
How are you supposed to make progress if your life isn't in danger if you fail ?
I like the V bar or a straight bar with a slight bend. it feels better for my elbows
>anything other than close grip bench
For why?
Good video and I love Jeff but I don't understand why he puts in that normie fluff before getting to the actual gainsmaker...
I watched the ripptoe vid on skullcrushers where he goes in depth and explained it so well I could adapt it to dumbbells effectively.
For any of you who want to supplement skullcrushers I recommend the bugez' french press variation, and single arm overhead tricep extension (I know it's memey, but you can get that all important eccentric work in that way)
I use all but favorite is v-bar with One hand
Rope, hands down
The only real one you need, none of that stupid faggot bullshit.
None of those work your tris anything close to these.
same, something about the grip just fucking RECKS my triceps. Especially doing a slow pull and a pause at the bottom.
Curl bar and flat bench.
>t. Lying Triceps Extension Masterrace
>seething white boy copes even harder
For some reason those excersizes always give me a rush of blood to the top of my dick. I don't know why it happens.
listen FUCKO
so what if i use the v bar
at least i will lose my v (v as in virgintiy)
so you keep gripping the nigger cock while i make gains in the least homoerotic way possible you fucking WHITEY
From all those, i'd stick with the rope for the marginal increased ROM. The V bar feels uncomfortable.
Currently doing: bench, ohp and variations, weighted dips, oh db extensions and db. Skullcrushers just for the pump.
Son of a bitch. . .
You lucky bastard. Do you have a big dick
>training in sandals
>bringing your complete household with you
Slav detected.
If you aren’t doing OHP like a blubbering retard you’ll never drop the bar on your head you doofus
Look here cunt, I train in the most homoeronic ways possible to prove a fucking point. I want those fucking faggots to see me and know they can never have me because I lift for THE FUTURE OF THE WHITE RACE so enjoy your sickle cell, dickweed.
Neither, grab the cable with your bare hands and pull it down
Damn this place is gay
>le reddit compound movements
>le manly exercises
You're arms look like shit I can tell