Whats the ideal body for a manlet?

whats the ideal body for a manlet?

Attached: C9uah_ZXcAEvlp2.jpg (1200x799, 70K)

whatever bodytype you want
why would you let people decide what's right for you? are you a cuck?


It is of no consequence

What you posted but +20% more muscle mass


If you're a legit manlet (sub 5'7) and you're not going for dwarf mode you're faggot.

Attached: 5877eedeb7a4b71acfc92e05bf69fcb1.jpg (563x769, 56K)

Ideal body for pretty much anyone. Anything above this level is fairly extraordinary compared to the average.


God tier ab insertions

Athlete and otter mode wont look good on manlets, sorry brah. Go for dwarf mode like said