What lifts can help me achieve this?
What lifts can help me achieve this?
When pol finds out where you live I’ll tell you in person
Lifting your more ignorant bruthas & sistahs our of ignorance and poverty.
Balkanization x F
why would the flag be based on the 13/50 symbolism of the American flag?
oh fuck wait
Waistband rows
Welfare putdowns
Pussy pullouts
Wallet holds for time
>watermelon flag
Might want to change the file name next time jewboi
>the Hebrew filename
top kek
Why hasn't this happened? I watch Real Housewives of Atlanta all the time and I've never seen a white person in Atlanta.
implying pol doesn’t want niggers out
they all ran away
White people in the suburbs keep them penned in to Atlanta.
Implying these discord faggots won’t get murdered for fun
NORTHWEST GANG, give the spics Aztlan and the nigs "New Africa" just to kneecap Uncle Sam
Did you read the brigade?
You act like a tough guy online im pretty sure you are an insecure effeminate cuck in real life
Sorry knee-gro, its for the best. We do provide free transport back to africa proper though.
hell yeah borther, RIP Barold Bovington
Jow Forums could get his address, his phone number and last four of his social security and still wouldn't do shit. The most impressive thing they've done is shoot up a synagogue.
jew-rope-pulls-at-lamposts x failure