Tfw you will never have myostatin deficiency which causes you to have double the muscle mass of a normal human

>tfw you will never have myostatin deficiency which causes you to have double the muscle mass of a normal human
This is what myostatin deficiency looks like.
This kid is 12 by the way.

Attached: 12yo_with_rare_myostatin_disorder_flexing_biceps (1).webm (1920x1080, 1.05M)

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It's probably a double sided blade. Go work out bitch


Yeah but imagine having that face

Attached: 0C646D1B-0E44-49D0-A688-C765368A5676.gif (220x220, 92K)

There have been news stories about supposed myostatin deficiencies, but without exception they've found out even in young kids they were taking steroids and lying. Not saying it's impossible, but I'd like actual medical proof.
Good luck playing sports kid, you're gonna need it

>for show
>but not for go

He does not look healthy

Nope. No negative side effects.

Are you the same autistic fuck from yesterday? Just go work out you lazy asshat

Imagine being this jealous lmao.

Sounds like one of those things with which you die if you mildly stub your toe.

Does it actually make you stronger or is it purely aesthetic?

Double the size of your heart.

Tell me how that goes. Because that happens

this kid should go out and slay some high school pussy

hmmm yes this is interesting, i'll have to do more research. i wonder what he looks like when jacking off.

It gives you more baseline muscle mass, increased growth speed, strength and the ability to retain a more mass when not actively lifting.
Shit causes stretch marks everywhere tho.

Then why doesn't literally everyone have this?

that liam hoekstra?

It's technically a genetic disease.

No retard, if there were no side effects it would've been selected for a long time ago and would be standard among humans. Having a myistatin deficiency increases your muscle mass but those muscles are weaker and you are a weaker person overall. And before you argue autistically read the study that was linked here.

Where did I say something about side effects you fucknugget?

also makes your brain small. so... theres that.

Organs stay the normal size.

it's on wiki but without any source
probs just a roidhead

>more muscle means you're weaker

Attached: 1446566462654.jpg (636x466, 18K)

It's not known. People with bones 8 times the density of a normal human also exist and yet it is a very rare mutation. Like this double muscle thing, it basically has next to no harmful side effects.
It's not like the human body is perfect.

Why are we all not 6'7" gigachads then? Because it should have been selected a long time ago, right? It should have be a standard among humans, right?

being 6'7" puts you at higher risks of spine injury, cardiovascular diseases, and not to mention the insane calorie requirement that wouldnt have been available.

Also all ancient humans had gigachad jaws and skulls because they lived as hunter gathers and chewed on tough meat from their childhood. Civilization cucked us.

because over like 6' you start to lose lifespan, you need way more calories to sustain yourself, etc.
The reason wolves in canada are almost twice the size of normal wolves is cause they have a ton of elk to eat.
Also, myostatin deficiency is not only literally only a visual boost(you have the same if not less power as a normal person with the same workout routine even with 2-3x the muscle) but you actually have to eat way more and you take way more muscular damage from exercise, meaning your recovery is terrible.

This is a study done on mice. We already have healthy human studies showing no health consequences. The problem is we have not been able to achieve the same results as those born with the rare disease through drugs.

Unlimited gains for a face like that? No thanks

You strawman'd yourself onto a stool and put on a dunce hat, user.

>coping this hard
There are absolutely no drawbacks in humans and cattle and subjects are stronger than their peers. Why are they trying to genetically engineer humans like this if it wouldn't have any benefit?
Absolute brainlet.
And also
>over 6' tall reduces your lifespan
And a manlet as well.

this kid MOGS the other preschoolers

Attached: 12-Liam-Hoekstra-strength.jpg (720x960, 292K)

Better than being both weak and ugly.

>We already have healthy human studies showing no health consequences
link? there is only 1 known case...

You can't strawman yourself against a retard.
In this case, you.

Listen to your fucking self. Do you think this fucking thing is weaker than a normal cow?

Attached: izag3srr5l921.jpg (600x400, 56K)

doesn't matter, the claim was there are
>healthy human studies showing no health consequences
so link to that?

Because it's extremely rate and a recessive trait. And how many women are out. There chasing after jacked body builders? It's a fetish that the majority of women don't have. Retard
Be careful. Too many words might make a brainless fuck like you fall asleep.

Because that's not how genes work. You don't magically gain new biological abilities, idiot.
Myostatin deficiency is hereditary. If your parents have it, you will too.

You claimed there are studieS. plural. not just this one on one subject.

Myostatin deficiency does mean that your muscle mass is higher. Chimps & Gorrillas have that for instance, which is why they're jacked without having to do muscle-targeted workouts. Even the Neanderthals had the same thing going on, so they were stronger than us homo sapiens. However myostatin deficiency means that your body won't store fat for later use, and all your consumed food goes to muscles. You also tire yourself very fast since your body is burning energy quick. But that's not good at all, at least from an evolutionary perspective. The ability to store excess food as fat, because of myostatin, is what made us survive. We sometimes had surplus of food but sometimes we had nothing for long periods of time, so our stored fat helped us survive. Anyway our ability to keep active for extended periods of time, in expense of strength or explosiveness, is what made us Hunter gatherers.

Based and redpilled
That kid is prolly gonna be short of his life, also, look at his bodyfat, he is gonna DIE of cold and he prolly is not gonna have enough energy to sprint or to do any sport constantly .

because in the wild it means you die because you need double the calories of everyone else to maintain the muscle, that is not a problem in modern society but it was when we evolved

He's saying if it causes such a significant advantage with no side effects, how did it not propagate to be more common earlier in evolution? Stupid fuckin idiot


damn I wish I was that cut

requires more calories
if a famine came around he'd be fucked first

>thinking women don't like strong men

that arm is still like 10 inches lol

there are numerous explanations for this and is not a valid objection

Imagine being this much of a jealous cuck.
And where are your sources on these things? You have none. The kid could fold your skinny bitch ass in half and you feel threatened by that so much that you've been coping in the thread non-stop.
You will never have double the muscle mass and there is nothing you can do about it.

Why don't you dumb fucks read this study before lamenting myostatin?
>53% decrease in strength

too much grains the past 10 000 years

fuark now I need big boss gene therapy

Lmao these coping jellyfags ITT.


>People with bones 8 times the density of a normal human
This is different though - everybody is able to grow as much muscle, but there is a mechanism which prevents that from happening (and is broken in people like him). Which means we had to evolve at some point not to grow unnecessary muscle.

all those cows have to give birth via c-section because their muscle mass is too much for them to give birth properly. successful natural births are rare in that breed.

>imagine salivating over the genes of a 12 year old boy
dw I'll report you to the feds 4 free

But that's the thing. You're thinking under the assumption that the human body is perfect. But it's not. It's retarded.
We are also capable of lifting large rocks and even cars in an adrenaline rush. But if we do, it can damage the body. But why? Why do we have this strength if we can't use it? Why are we even capable of it if it just damages us? Why do other animals use their full strength at all times but we can't?

See? The human body is retarded. We aren't all double muscled or stronger boned superhumans because the body is retarded and we don't have all the answers as to why. Why do you think doctors are researching these two mutations so they can grant these abilities to humans later on?

This. Evolution is an IMPERFECT PROCESS. Evolution is basically trial and error. Oh that didn't work? Alright you died, let's see if the next one makes it. Oh he barely scraped by in life and had a shitload of issues and problems? As long as he had a few kids before dying whatever, success!
The above is an oversimplification obviously but again, evolution is not God, evolution is not perfect. It's simply a natural process which happens to occur. That said this doesn't therefore mean that this deficiency is therefore beneficial.

If you want to be able to climb and run well you’ve gotta be light and able to move easily, being too muscular would be a problem for that, as well as massively increasing calorie requirements. We simply didn’t need massive strength anywhere near often enough to where it would have been worth needing twice as much food or more and being worse at moving your own body.
The reason we can use more strength in an adrenaline rush is so we can try and survive situations we otherwise wouldn’t, like a fight against an animal, trying to hold onto something when drowning or falling etc. Better to tear a muscle than to be dead, but it’s not worth the risk to put out that strength for every small task