Could he be salvaged if he got Jow Forums?

could he be salvaged if he got Jow Forums?
>t, somebody who looks exactly like him and is also 5'4

Attached: sliker.jpg (750x807, 94K)

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No? That's comically short. Get Jow Forums? Well you just look like an over compensating manlet. It legit doesn't matter what you do if you are under 5'6", you are a fucking elf bro.

Him, yes. You?

user, I...

yeah, i'm thinking its over

Attached: 1553063481954.jpg (595x585, 283K)

become trap

it's not user

you do realize pic is also 5'4?

lmao its over
stop feeding false hope

There's a 5'0" girl out there that'll be happy to date you. Might as well in shape when you meet her