could he be salvaged if he got Jow Forums?
>t, somebody who looks exactly like him and is also 5'4
Could he be salvaged if he got Jow Forums?
Lincoln Robinson
Other urls found in this thread:
Nolan Anderson
No? That's comically short. Get Jow Forums? Well you just look like an over compensating manlet. It legit doesn't matter what you do if you are under 5'6", you are a fucking elf bro.
Chase Ross
Him, yes. You?
user, I...
Jaxson Russell
yeah, i'm thinking its over
Lucas Bailey
become trap
Ian Roberts
it's not user
Ryan Bell
you do realize pic is also 5'4?
David Cook
lmao its over
stop feeding false hope
Cameron Collins
There's a 5'0" girl out there that'll be happy to date you. Might as well in shape when you meet her
Ryder Powell