thunder and lightning for the lads
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Give me thunder and lightning you selfish english cunts REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
When britfeel dies later this year, where will we go?
hope i get struck by lightning haha
shoulder length
i think i just my hairline by compulsively giving myself a side swept fringe when i had short hair
i think ill attempt to start something on doublechin, or just shitpost on other boards here, int isnt too bad when you get used to it
>where will we go?
First image reply with vintage Jez. Vote Labour lads.
These trackie bottoms are indecently tight
I like the old image lad. Shame Nigel turned into a total fucking sellout, reminds me of better times
Is a 25 minute walk to the gym too long or am I coming up with excuses for being a fat bastard?
Tried watching Requiem for a Dream. Made me really sad. Something to do with the girl. Now I'm bored.
Scots love to overrate how funny Limmy is
yes youre making excuses, im a bastard for doing that, make yourself go to the gym, lad
I have the same blonde-brown anglo saxon facial hair as jezza desu
I watched Requiem for a Heavyweight last night and was also sad
mine keep falling down, and the drawstring has long since been lost inside the loop
wanna swap?
>These trackie bottoms are indecently tight
uwu pics
it upset me a lot too when I was 14
I'm a Scot. That cunt isn't funny at all.
any chronic fatigue syndrome lads in
>nader on suicide watch
Is hearing about other people having stormy weather like cuckolding for you?
dont worry nader lad the comfy thunder is on its way up to you, just take a few hours thats all
Why don't you have a rest diddums. Wouldn't want you getting tired or having to do any work now would we?
'ate scots
'ate irish
'ate welsh
'ate northerners
'ate southerners
love midlands
simple as
Limmys show was funny, everything after is like going from whole milk to semi skimmed, and his content for the last year or so is like 1%, with the occasional chocolate milkshake among his improv stories. He puts out good content occasionally but he's also a narcissistic sociopath.
TONY STARK. lads. That is all.
literally not a real thing. I bet you have "anxiety" and "depression" too.
*spams thread about Lee Anthony Hoyland*
>he has never been a member of the BNP
Any single mums or gypsies in?
Spread yellow gunk on my pancake heart
Who are you calling a cuck? kind of, fucking bastards
Cheers m8
im having a rest on my sofa now, just got back from the therapist
whats your excuse for coming here then
*kicks your dog*
>Talking to my friend at work
>Didn't notice qt girl behind me.
>Walks off looking horrified.
oh well not like I had a chance anyway
Looks like ourlad degenerate gambler Hypa
You leave us depressed, anxious lads alone. Would say more but Im low energy at the moment
Some tablet I had in 2013 had face recognition, quite good facial recognition at that. Then that iphone came out like 5 years later and it's main selling point was some awful face recognition that barely works
quite funny lids
>this is funded by our tax money
you seen how that chinese company has got the contract for 5g? theyre gonna end up building a social credit thing like in china
Yet another lad asked poley on a date, yet again moni jumped at the opportunity.
This has happened far too often, even moni commented "for a date with a guy from britfeel"but then never said anything more.
Is poley lying or is he being catfished all the time? Care to comment poley?
Holy shit are isis manufacturing horse/terrorist hybrids now?
Don't think it is laddy boy
I'm shy hehe
what size you got these are mediums
>eating all the chips without any burger
>depression and anxiety isn't even real!
>posts on a board for mentally ill people
where are your friends, norman? i hope they haven't forgotten about you
>moni is already slutting around
ship user, how long are you going to put up with this? this disgusting pakistani catamite is humilating you, publicly!!!
>where are your friends, norman? i hope they haven't forgotten about you
>24 hours eating only Tesco meal deals
how is that difficult you bitch
If he finds love on britfeel then I'm happy for him
Completed a 6 mile cycle ride on a rickety old bike along the canal toe path. Not much but better than nothing frens and I feel tired now. Onion and potato omlette with salad for din din lads.
It's because it's not halal. He'll skirt around this but it's literally the case.
definitely better than doing nothing my m8, keep at it
phwoar look at em chompers
>This is what the person behind this post looks like
Yasin has really gained weight. He's grotesque.
anyone seen chika lately? miss my sweet little boo boo x
fuck me I try to defend the guy but he's just a fat paki with long hair and boobs
Can somebody explain to me why the "I'm not racist because I have black friends etc" argument is invalid?
its just like saying im not gay but i have gay friends, or something
I'll be going to lainchan and arisuchan
Shippy is racist and he fucked a black girl.
Wouldn't mind giving that a smooch.
Any other lads here want to tongue are poley?
You can still hate/believe a race is inferior whilst having a friend from within said inferior race. I'd totally be friends with a black if they weren't arrogant, thick aggressive cunts despite maintaining the notion they are intellectually inferior to whites and a vast majority act like chimps.
It's not invalid. Liberals just love saying it because everyone is a nazi. Imagine being friends with someone but you hate them. Doesnt work.
It's not like that at all
Doesn't answer my question plus I don't follow britfeel personalities
Fuck off yank
Sup Moni fancy a date later my queen?
Funniest post of the thread just for its sheer retardness, intentional or not.
Why is the consensus on Jow Forums near unanimously that Jews are behind most of what is "wrong" with the modern world and what benefits do the jews get from this anyway?
>he has never shaken Nick Griffin by the hand
Because the jews are unanimously behind most of what is wrong with the modern world and because they want to conquer it.
In october 1970 John invited his father, Freddie to Tittenhurst. It was John's 30th birthday. They hadn't met for 3 years. Freddie arrived around 11.30 with his young wife Pauline and their 18 months old son, David. Freddie had brought an Old spice after shave as a birthday gift. John had long beard and according to Pauline, he was aggressive and high as fuck. He said to his father, "You won't get one dime more from me!" "I want you to get the fuck out of the house I bought for you in Brighton!" Look at me! I'm a wreck! Mom was a tramp! And I am insane. I'm going to die young like Jimi and Janis, and it's your fault. Who let a child choose between parents? Even though you fucked some bitch it doesn't give you the right to call yourself a father! And if you ever tell anybody about what happened here today. I will have you killed you worthless piece of garbage. Alfred was a short man and some people said he peed his pants. He was terrified. He dressed his son and left with tears in his eyes.
They never met again.
Evolution in action
Find it bizarre that Durham has no nobel laureates
What evidence is there for this? I'm kinda interested in this and wanna read more about it
They overwhelmingly control the media and where do you think your average pleb gets their views from?
ffs we literally had this yesterday piss off
Poley oh poley, you are my dearest sweetheart
Poley oh poley, let me pull your cheeks apart
Poley oh poley, you're a naughty little fox
Poley oh poley, my penis yearns for your box
Poley oh poley, I assure you will enjoy a lot.
Thank you for listening to my poem.
Literally who or what or how?
I don't think they control the British media tho. Most of the people in charge of bbc, itv, channel 4 etc aren't jewish
Rupert Murdoch isn't even Jewish
Link to the discussion please I missed yesterday's threads
John Lennon to his father who is pictured
Couldn't think of what to call them. Sorry dude
Rupert Murdoch's Chinese MILF wife is so peng
>just spilt my protien shake on bedroom floor
Not getting into this again, just do your own research. Start with all major news outlets and find out who owns them. Btw news outlets are the main source for producing propaganda. (No shit!).
No she fucking ain't
who said romance was dead eh
not had an email today lads, makes me a bit sad, advertising companies are my only friends
>asking this shit when there's a whole board dedicated to redpill stuff
Anyone else watch this when they were young? I wish I could find it dubbed in English like I remember it.
stumpys doing our weather now, northwest tonight
What's your email lad? I'll send you one
what's your email I'll send you a few nice words
Most of the major British ones are run by atheists or christians :l
He sounds like a faggot, as does his dad