You all should know that God loves you so deeply and his mercy is without any limit. Please keep this and hold it in your heart.
You all should know that God loves you so deeply and his mercy is without any limit...
if he loves me so deeply then where is my gf????
> went to the church today
If God couldn't save his own son, how could he save me ?
>If he loves me soo much, why doesn't he give me a mansion
This is you user. Jesus is your Lord and savior, not your personal wish granter.
Read your bible, Jesus died for our sins and came back. The price which you were suppose to pay, was paid by Jesus.
My life sucks. If Jesus is real then he basically raped me at birth and cursed me to be alone forever.
Why did he make me? I do not want to exist. Do not tell me he will make it better. Eternal life is a bad idea. Why will God not let us go when our time is up?
I always thought maybe Heaven has a reset button that u push when you've been there for like 1000000 years and you forget everything and do it all over again
Everyone carries their own cross, user God could've given you another cross and you still would've complained. Please pray to God to reveal your talent. With this talent you are to do his work on earth.
Maybe. I do not really want to be in heaven. I would prefer to rest
Just another way of rationalizing your meaningless suffering. Cope harder
Thanks God but love isnt going to get people off their asses and work
I do not need to adopt a faith in ordernto be religious.
>be me
>ugly as fuck
You mean you dont need to adopt a religion to be spiritual?
Again as stressed in , everyone has a cross to carry in life. But, God has also given everyone a talent to do what he considers good on earth.
Lies! The Lord's love is not unconditional.
He's God, he's perfect and therefore his love is limitless. He does for us while we were sinners. At the day of the Lord, those who didn't believe will be casted aside to a place of torment.
I wish God was real.
This phrase was not original.
if god doesnt give me anime tiddy waifus in the afterlife don't even bother
How come everyone ITT gets a (You) but me, user? You got a problem? You want some beef?