How the fuck i stop smoking?

How the fuck i stop smoking?

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You dont. You wait until the smoking stops you...

this. based and smokepilled

you just stop. don't be fooled; there's no magic trick, no book or spiritual shit will help you, you need to have self control. it's all up to you. stop buying packs, stop hanging around other smokers, stop going outside if you feel like the first thing you'll do is have a smoke when you step out. and do everything you can to fill the false sense of boredom that comes with quitting. try to exercise or go for a jog.
and go cold turkey
t. was a smoker for 8 years, been clean since 2017

literally the most red pilled thing I've read today

pretty much this
i liked tea tree toothpicks, too.

and my roommate, when he quit, he smoked like an entire pack in a day and just made himself sick of it. idk how well that works normally, but he quit entirely after that.

get addicted to something else, like pistachios or blueberries

i quit smoking 2 years ago. i use a vape and juice with nicotine for a while, at least 8 months. then i got sick of using it and switched over to nicotine lozenges. i used those for about 6 months i guess, then i got sick of those and stopped, didn't even have withdrawal symptoms. it took a while and i'm not going back.

user im sorry to break it you, but the only way to stop smoking is to actually stop it. dont be fooled by people saying to replace it, thats the easy way out. just cold turkey stop it. its going to be hard as s h i t (especially if you hang around other smokers) but you can do it user.

i posted drop acid and got muted

shrooms work too

I just smoked weed every day until I became paranoid enough about dying of cancer to make me quit

try psychedelics in a manner which is most original

Find happiness in somerhing else and you won't need cigarettes or drugs anymore. Good luck.

Buy a pack, smoke one, throw away. If you buy another pack, you must smoke two right away, throw away. Keep track of time. If you bought another pack before twice as long as your previous drought, you must smoke double the previous amount, throw away, and wait four times as long as the previous drought

Rinse wash yolo

I am fortunate that my addictions are only due to habit and never physical. I am a smoker, I really enjoy smoking, but there are times when I go days without having a single cigarette. I only ever smoke when at the office or hanging out with friends. So any day I choose to work from home, or if I'm staying in on weekend days, I have 0 cigarettes. I just don't feel the urge to do it. Sometimes I go 4-5 days without a smoke.

what if one of your favourite things to do is drink and smoke even alone

chew gum or sunflower seeds or something

Clean heroin doesn't have side effects.

Well that's a really cheap question. Do you want to give us some details or fill us in on anything you've tried or what you know? You can't just ask someone how to stop smoking, Jesus.

I stopped it after a promise I made putting something of mine on the line in case I ever went back. 2 years and I haven't touched a cigarrete yet
so there you have it, make a promise, ask for something and make a vow in return

smoke cigs that have less nicotine, smoke cigars, smoke pipe tobacco

vape you fucking nigger, juuls give the exact same nicotine rush

Thanks. I needed this advice too.

Smoke an entire pack at once every time you have a craving. Negative association with compulsive behavior is a good way to kick any addiction.

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I should add that monetary possessions will add to 10% of your overall happiness, so choose wisely.