Is it true that white girls are prefered? Will I only be able to attract those with yellow fever for the rest of my life?
Is it true that white girls are prefered...
As a nigger I can tell you yes. But fortunately for you there are far more attractive white men into you than there are men of any kind at all into us. Asian women and white women are the most preferred women of all. You have nothing to worry about.
sit on my dick pls
>those with yellow fever
Aren't you admitting your own preference for non-Asian men?
White women are definitely preferred but Asian women? I doubt it.
As a shitskin Latino I can tell you that you wont attract an alpha male, the most you can get is a confident weeb or a onions boy, no joke guys go crazy over Asian girls here but theyre mostly otakus, i dont mean to be rude but when you have you seen a remarkably attractive dude be with an Asian woman?
the large majority of my friends prefer Asians over anything
Pls be in Eastern Europe
>friends of a loser who spends his time on Jow Forums
>desirable or even dateable
I'm pretty sure the majority of people here prefer asian women
Everyone here is disgusting though
I actually prefer Asian men since they dont treat me badly ><
I'm sorry user... I think you are cute. I will pray for you to find someone who will love you for you. (sorry im not a boy but i hope it makes you feel better)
no u
Niggers cannot be cute. Sometimes sexy, usually ugly, never cute unless mixed. But that does make me feel better so thank
Unfortunately, I'm not even a preferable asian. I'm southeast asian (yes, it makes a difference)
It's probably a larping faggot though but if it's not I agree
Everyone has their own preference. But yeah people who are drawn to someone only on the basis of race is a huge red flag. I've never gotten it since I'm half Asian so I never understood the whole being attracted to a race or culture thing.
That's fine, still better than white
How were you treated badly user?
Try going for someone your own race, zipper-head!
>durr fucking incels yellow fever!
YOU're the one who has white fever!
Die, race traitor! Banzai!
I guess general racist comments, making fun of my culture, and making fun of me if I was intrested in my own culture. Also calling a lot of my family ugly and stuff when they see pictures of them...
I also really like cooking and sharing food etc but one time I made a traditional meal and a guy said it smelled awful and made fun of me saying I was cooking cats or dogs
bait post. azns are superior to white women. no, i don't have "yellow" fever. They're just objectively better.
Maybe my wording was strange, I prefer asian men. It seemed like all men prefer white most of all though.
what country do you live in?
stfu you swedish weeaboo
I live in the USA but i'm Vietnamese. There are not many asian boys where I live.
yuck id rather date a spic over one of your kind desu
vs what? Taste?
Let me guess florida Texas or California?
I live in Orlando and there is loads of viet's here. Also expecting white people to eat something as sophisticated to the pallet as Vietnamese food is a recipe for disaster. You gotta be a manly man or a rabbit to really like Viet food.
Most asians in my country are also vietnamese. I'd date you, but then again I'm an ugly faggot, kek.
Not really humans are pretty complicated and rarely know what they actually want.
You're not just a fetish.
So that's my one wholesome thing for today. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to scrolling through /b/ for redhead pawg porn.
Brown nipples and labia are a dealbreaker.
nice quads, fren
Based pink nippleposter. Only bleached anuses are allowed here.
Statistics only get you so far. Personally, I don't give a shit about skin color or race or whathaveyou, but I do have a pretty limited range of what body-types I find attractive. So I don't know, I guess maybe you're just looking for a small demographic. So are a lot of people.
Everyone who knows me in real life would be shocked that I'm here. I think that's painting with a somewhat overly-broad brush, too.
>I prefer asian men
>those with yellow fever
Okay, hold up, if you and OP are the same person, you've got to pick one and stick with it. You want someone who doesn't care about race, it's hypocritical for you to care about race. You want asian guys, don't bitch about people who want asian girls.
true. im no longer attracted to you now.
Why are you larping as a vietnamese girl?
>black guys dont bother
>white guys strongly prefer white and are also sometimes racist
>asian guys prefer white and also understand me a bit
this is extremely wholesome ;_; thank you quadanon
Most people prefer their own kind
Pretty sure most guys just care about whether you'll say yes
Not every white guy who prefers asian women has yellow fever. The smart ones just hate white women.
Stop being such a whiny bitch and control your hormones.
t. white guy
>muh yellow fever
>what ew no I won't date an Asian man, I just prefer tall, attractive alphas and that happens to be whites te he
>nobody asked for timestamped tits
the absolute state of this pozzed cloaca of a board
Pardon me, but have you been made aware that you're not on /b/ at the moment, sir? Does sir require directions to an environment in which he might feel more comfortable?
shut the fuck up zoomie whiteknighting faggot
up to 3y ago we used to ask for tits or tell the roast to gtfo
this shit is just depressing, subreddit tier
>will I only be able to attract those who are attracted to my race
big brain post OP
It depends on how good you look, your voice, body language, fitness level, etc. Good looking people have no problem finding partners in any race. And obviously, general demeanor matters too because totally annoying pretty girl is worse than average looking but cute and sweet girl.
No. Modern white girls are pretty awful for the most part.
If you call everyone attracted you as someone with yellow fever then who do you hope to attract?
Not really no
Unless you're fat, then the fact you're asian is an advantage.
this image pisses me off i wish people would stop using it
>wah no one will like me
>fembot btw
>50 replies (including this one ik)
fuck off roastie, it's impossible for a woman to not have a bf if they want one. fucking attention whore stacey.
incredibly based user, stellar post