David Goggins

>*stays hard in your path*

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I read his book. Possibly the biggest Chad of all time.

I literally ran 16 miles today with no training because of Goggins. My hips, knees, and ankles are fucked but I don't care. He's the hardest dude on the planet

Move twink

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*walk around him while whispering chill out*

yall ever watch his podcast with joe rogan? dude is a legand

goggins literally admits that he should have taken care of his body earlier in his life and that he's very big on stretching

He's a very hard man, but he isn't stupid

hes a faggot. all he does is runs and wakes up early. Mike tyson would punch him into dust. He looks like fucking squidward. If you need an idol to tell you to man up you arent gonna make it anyway. kys

>Wife left him because had no sex drive

>lives with mom

yup sounds like a chad to me.

“Ahhh, so you’ve seen my face and maintained an erection.”
*Turns 90 degrees and moon walks out of his way*