This is a very old image but what the hey edition

This is a very old image but what the hey edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



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just realising i had the honour of shitposting in the last ever easter of the britfeel era

149 days, 1hr 53 mins until autumn

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well....fuck you too destiny

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Stop pushing this crap you dafty

can you really see the thread lasting another full year though?

fucking hate man city

Of course I can. I'll still be here and cant see most of the regulars leaving

Back from the shops
tonights haul lads

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I could have said that a year ago desu

Fuck off you nosebag

at least they ain't liverpool

>off-brand: the post, except doritos

>gambles on scratchcards
cant even make this shit up

You're just jelly you don't have my chicken burger and store brand pot noddles

Lad you really disappoint me. You really want to listen to those scouse cunts harp on for the next trillion years about how they won the prem? Behave son, fucking hell.

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haha yes mate, definitely jealous of that burger and those noodles *leaves out the door with his normal heart intact*

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Decen't haul lad, wish I had a microwave burger right now. Those store brand noodles any good?

Not a werido or anything but healthy human hearts actually look really tasty. Like compare it to your typical steak. Wonder what it tastes like

>imagine walking up to the till with this
HAHAHA oh no no user

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I support the colarado Rockies

not going to lie lad i thought that as i posted it as well
but i think it's just because of the comparison making it look a lot more better

They're alright, you have to check how much it weights before you pay for them though because they can be stingy with the noodles.
I do the same thing with Doritos and check for heavier bags

>bought a ticket to go and see my favourite band
>booked a nice hotel
>booked a nice meal before hand
>going to go to a good bar and get very drunk after
>all by myself
Is this sad lads? It is next month, and people at work will be asking what I am doing with my time off soon which is fine, but is it ok to tell them this? I am really looking forward to it, will be the highlight of my year

What am i supposed to be seeing here. I cant see anything.

nah sounds pretty fun and based. What band?

You're right, think they overdid it on the mustard with the other one

Had a nice convo with Apu about the cold weather and reduce deals

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Better than not doing the thing you're really looking forward to, surely? You do you lad.

>Anons post his haul
>Discord mongs try to one-up each other on banter

got some corn fed chickens in the freezer today and they have big yellow bits of fat on them like that heart

its a southern rock band called whiskey myers, their guitarists are really good. certainly not for everyone, but I like them so thought why not

Yeah thats true, thanks lad. Part of me thinks I should keep it to myself but if people ask I don't really want to lie

This is really cool. I imagine this is what its like to suffer from agnosia: when people have brain damage that interrupts their ability to recognise objects.

>Be Liverpool
>Go whole season only losing one game
>Still can't win the league

eternal laughter was had throughout the lands

Everyone likes to shit on Karl but he's content while Ricky is seething depressed edgelord.

Bet you those are the best bits. If they are, then we need to round up all fatties and make a new production line.

Shippy you best watch out

>cold getting worse
This is it lads. I'm done for.

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Righ in da back of da net

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>povertynoms mixed with the slightest degree of hope
Grim lad.

bits of corn innit
you're what you eat

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the stuff on the left is one of those felt trays that have loads of earrings on display

There are also neck mannequins that display necklaces mid-right

just a bunch of tacky women's clothing shit


Smell that lads? I smell a fucking TRANNY

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Them too fat bitches from Googlebox:

>add a cute boy on discord
>too scared to talk to him
how do i stop being so BETA lads

depends how you cook it lad, i think fatty things are best with a long cook time at a lower temp, dunno for sure, would have to ask mummy

All the normies love Karl mate. Ricky is a mong though, still spouting the same fedora tripe and just being a miserable cunt.

>randomly end up listening to Rome Total War soundtrack
forgot how good it was, all excited and shieet

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This sausage and mash has 53g of carbs. Probably shouldnt have it again

I can't believe how much the blonde one has ballooned up
>tfw i'm into that

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Opinions on emilia clarke?

That's nothing mate, I regularly eat 350-400grams of carbs in a day. I think my max was 500 once

I'm a 21 year old trans woman
I have a bachelor's degree in materials and nuclear science. I have severe mental issues (which is not something to be mocked). I'm addicted to cuddling. I have a criminal record in Peru for not voting in elections and not doing military service at 18. And I'm unemployed

Watching Marathon Man. Just saw Dustin Hoffman's ass

Watching the Stacy Dooley programme about nonces

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Go on Abdul show the blue shirts what the Norf is made of.

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I thought you were a British citizen? What age were you in Peru til?

Well good for you lol

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Looked great when she put on a bit of weight, same with Sophie Turner.

>tfw no fat sophie gf

>show face to cute boi
>he says you look good
>he never replies again
>doesn't even block you

never seen the obsession desu

I have dual citizenship, left Peru when I was a babba

Tfw no Sophie bf

seriously need a hobby, cant spend more days rotting infront of this screen

Haven't watched in ages and was very shocked. Looks awful

The weight I agree with emilia, but sophie just nah.

she looks good in those thicc photoshops
not this one though

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oh shit nigga Oliver bout to pull some teeth

This is why I NAH lmao

Emilia definitely carried it better, but I would still fug fat sophie

I'm getting into drawing and painting but most of it is on screen

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tfw too low iq for hobbies

>This is why I NAH
makes sense me lord

You come here because it's a hobbie, recognized or not.

>tfw I actually like getting colds because the medicine makes me feel comfy

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I really like this drawing laddo

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>tfw too low motivation for hobbies

>we have a mentally ill Peruvian trans person with a criminal record in the thread
>yet some lad didn't believe me when i said i had a retired Colombian neighbour

this is not a hobby, its entertainment

Proper love a ginger slag me.

I.E a hober

>like getting colds
the maddest of mad cunts

literally looks the exact same LOL

build airfix kits lad, don't need to be smart, just follow the pictures

Going to a wrasslin show on friday lads

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5th driving test tomorrow lads

Thanks, I have plans for more but they're a bit scandalous and might be seen as mean to those it's about, but it's not I swear.

anyone watching this fat ugly bird with 10 kids? how can she get shagged at least 10 times wtf

>tfw no own personal private investigation agency to help the helpless

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no its not retard
airfix is gay

Wouldn't be going bethnal green alone on a friday night myself tbqh lad

Nah it aint so bad. Loads of hipsters there these days

I have not been on all day. How shit has the thread been without me? X

Is that Pete Campbell on the right

its always shit anyway, probably worse when you get here

Come on lad a bit of a spoilery image