>What other boards do you frequent aside from Jow Forums?
What other boards do you frequent aside from Jow Forums?
/lit/ and /sci/
/ck/ and Jow Forums
Jow Forums obviously because I’m not a leftist faggot
/lit/ (I'm not that faggot who keeps trying to start /fitlit/ threads)
and sometimes /fa/ and /mu/.
The only difference between a far-left event and a far-right event is the amount of vegan food on the table
/tv/ is the most entertaining board aside from Jow Forums
I used to go on Jow Forums all the time, but it sucks now. Last good thread was the clearing log and that was over a year ago.
Is this you?
Jow Forums is actually really comfy and funny
What good is being fit if you’re not skilled with your hands
Yeah one is fighting nazi's, and the other is ethnically cleansing america. Same thing
/co/mrade reporting in
I’m only 19 years old so I have to watch cartoons in secret to not ruin my social image
Jow Forums to save people from the botnet. I hope you guys are using GNU/Linux and will be buying a Pinephone or Librem 5!
/tv/ and /fa/
/lit/ /sci/ Jow Forums Jow Forums
/lit/ Jow Forums Jow Forums
/out/, /lit/
muh horseshoe theory
/mu/ is my home board, but most of Jow Forums is fucked now because american politics and off-topic bullshit is shoehorned into almost every board. Jow Forums is much better compared to /mu/ and /tv/ in recent times
Jow Forums have dragged their fat, shit encrusted asses all over the Jow Forums boards.
/tv/ and occasionally /tg/
/sci/, got to shitpost with my fellow gradcucks and call anyone who does computer "" science "" a stupid fuck
/b/ /an/ and /out/
/x/ /fa/ and /qst/
/cgl/, /vg/, /d/
/ck/, /mu/ and /o/ mainly.
Jow Forums and /v/ (not so much anymore cause everyone there's a fuckin tranny larp or not)
None because browsing Jow Forums is nerdloserfaggot-tier.
>onions hulk
/mu/ and /sci/
nah you just an out of shape larping faggot like the rest of that board
Based, /o/
>browsing other boards
Do you actively seek out to worsen your autism
Boards lost forever to degenerates = /b/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /v/
Reddit = everything else
ULTRA GIGA Reddit = /co/
This site is shite.
how can /mu/ be your homeboard, that place is dead, you like graveyards user?
None, this site fucking blows. I used to go on /b/ in 2006, /a/ from 2007-2010, and /vg/ a few years back. Now I just come to Jow Forums to remind myself that lifting is good.
the swoly trinity of Jow Forums Jow Forums and Jow Forums. Come home (((white))) man
my nigga
/gif/ & Jow Forums
Neither of them are fighting Nazis or cleansing America. They're just screeching online.
/fa/ /ic/, lurk /cgl/
Nowhere, really. I used to come here primarily for but it's had literally no good content for the past two years. It's one continuous raid by faggot Discord shills and 12-year-olds looking for (You)s.
Jow Forums and /sci/
/fa/ and /o/ more than Jow Forums
robot and /out/ when bored
>Jow Forums
Go fucking back and stay there instead of shitting up other boards I wish Hiro would make it so people who went to Jow Forums would be banned from using other boards
What the fuck is the point of posting on Jow Forums and /sci/ when the airheads over at Jow Forums are even more anti-science than /x/?
good point, i spend more time here than there these days anyway
/mu/tants fucking love graveyards
/sp/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums
/tv/, /lit/, /sci/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums. Mostly go on Jow Forums to bait and troll Jow Forumstards.
/lit/, /a/, sometimes /x/.
Hello. I am nobody.
/x/ and sometimes Jow Forums
oh and Jow Forums
/trv/ /his/ and /p/
hey? you stupid fucking dumbass. thats not how you greentext. who are you quoting? you have to go back
and look at you, you cant even do a proper scientific 4chinz arrow citation. You have to work on this.
newfags should be ashamed. the board culture suffers when the nonconforming are spared. you should be ashamed
k and a
>one is retarded commies and discord trannies and the other is retarded bootlickers
/tg/ and /asp/
tb h I lost my board identity, I'm a nomad now. But usually go to /tv/ for quick laughs, most of other boards ether depress me or irritate me
where my finna /asp/chads @?
>muh Jow Forums boogeyman
When will you summerfags start school again?
Jow Forums and /a/ no bulli please
/lgbt/, Jow Forums, /mlp/, /trash/ and /b/
/an/, /tv/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums but mostly Jow Forums
Where are my stinky linkies at?
/ck/, Jow Forums.
And /v/ because I'm a retard and can't handle triple-digit IQs. You have to be, to visit that board.
/toy/, /ic/, Jow Forums, /sci/
mostly toy these days
/a/ /sp/ /ck/ and Jow Forums
/a/ and /h/
/tv/ for humor
/diy/ for life skills
When will any of you faggots actually get in shape and not shit up this board?
major cope.
go back there incel. We dont need another twink on here
/gif/ and /s/ few times a week ;)
/diy/ and Jow Forums
Infrequently; /his/ and Jow Forums to try and uncuck it
/n/ /p/ and /out/ once in awhile
/ck/ /o/ /mu/ Jow Forums & /lit/ are big interests of mine, but the boards are absolutely garbage
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Also sometimes
I would however really like 8ch back online. 4cuck is like Detroit among imageboards.
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
/out/ is my main board.
Jow Forums for the lulz. /lit/ for the occasional Lulz
/tv/ is ok, but the rest of the boards are awful. Jow Forums fags and kids from /b/ or low intellect beaners seem to pervade every inch of Jow Forums now.
Even /out/ is constantly being invaded by robots and shitposters.
/sci/ /out/ /ck/ Jow Forums
A few years ago Jow Forums and /sp/ are almost overlapping interests. Did /sp/ turn to purely soccer shit or Jow Forums overrun by sport-hating incels?
>doesn't know how greentext works
/v/ and /mu/
r9k is my main board actually, fit is the second.
sometimes i visit /x/ and /gif/
I don't frequent other boards, i stay from afar and read what happens. Only a fool would "frequent" this board and adhere to its ideology.
Jow Forums
/hm/, /x/ and /tv/
/co/ /tg/ and occasionally Jow Forums
Jow Forums, /a/, and /m/
/vp/ is my second board but it has become absolute aids tier, even more so than usual