How do people even get fat? I'm struggling to eat 3000 calories every day clean, how do people manage to do that while eating dirty? Even while eating dirty you would have to drink soda like with every meal for it to exceed 3k plus candy here and there
How do people even get fat? I'm struggling to eat 3000 calories every day clean...
>cant even take a bite out of it since its too big
What kind of retard does this?
just stretch your jaw a little bit
I can get down 3000 calories in one meal but i have to restrict myself.
I'm only 6'3'', wish i was 6'5''+ so i could actually eat 3500-4000 calories a day, but i'm on appetite suppressants and drink 2 gallons of water a day so that helps
Currently 160lbs on 2800 calories a day to gain weight
fuck man i can't wait until we can edit our genes, i'm so fucking hungry all the time but am cucked out of eating enough because of my stature
Fatties don't operate like humans, they are just bottomless pits
i feel you tallbro
i'm not tall thats the point
tall people can eat a lot, i can't, so i'm stuck eating like a little girl and think about food 24/7/365
Allow me to demonstrate how Americans get fat.
Breakfast - 1150
>Chick Fil a sandwich 2x
>large Coke
Lunch - 1650
>McDonald's 20 piece chicken nuggets
>large fry
>large coke
Dinner - 1650+
>hot pocket x2
>more Coke
>Ice cream
You're at 4450 calories now but are you done? Fuck no you're going to wash this down with some craft beer and add an additional 250 calories. Add another 250 for "snacks" (candy) throughout the day and you're at about 5000 calories.
are you really complaining? bulk on 5k and bloatmaxx, if you have a decent frame you'll be enormous
you're tall, you are 190cm, that's 10cms from being 2 meters tall
It's pretty easy desu, ex. for lunch eat 200g of pasta with pesto and then skip veggies for 2 snickers.
1600 kcal in a meal.
Nigga what? My TDEE for maintenance is 3000cal a day. I am on cut so I am at 2500cal.
t. 6’2 ~185lbs
Nobody drinks one beer. Make it a six pack my nigga.
>take a standard fast food burger and sides
>stack the sides on the burger so that it is impossible to eat as assembled
>make video as if this feat of culinary retardation is worthy of recognition
Since I started lifting every time I see a fat person it makes me feel really mad
You're right. Grave miscalculation lol add another 750-1000 calories.
Fuck, I'd fail at the coke. I just can't drink that sweet shit.
That weight and height combo are skellington tier. Why the fuck are you on appetite suppressants? Eat more, retard.
i just don't want to bloatmaxx, i just want to look big, sort of builtfat
it's not tall enough, i wish i was 195 at least
3000 cals for what? lean as fuck or offseason fluffy state?
Isnt Coke Zero basically the standard soda now?
Neither of those. This is my maintenance to stay weightwise as I am now which is skinny fat dyel faggot piece of shit mode.
Lmao they just eat more huge faggot
Im taking a pill that makes me stop being hungry and I am losing a shitton of weight just by skipping dinner or eating some cheese slices for dinner at most.
Idk maybe. I exclusively drink water. Soda is repulsive to me. These fat fuckers aren't going away though so maybe they up the ice cream budget when Coke doesn't clog them up enough.
Not hard, especially when you don't give a give about the "cleanliness" meme. A double quarter pounder meal at McDonald's is like 1200 calories. Add a Coke and you're at 2k in one meal easily. Hit Wake House for breakfast (their main meal is at least 1k) and grab pizza for dinner and you have 4k before you touch anything sweet.
Honestly I bulk on Little Caesars Pizza. These biceps are hot n ready.
This + constant hunger.
>A double quarter pounder meal at McDonald's is like 1200 calories. Add a Coke and you're at 2k in one meal easily
You know i get getting proteins/carbs/fats from some Burgers at McDonalds or whatever but getting a fuckton of calories from drinking Soda is fucking retarded, that shit is literally only sugars what kind of mass will that add to your body?
Have high cal snacks like (70kcal cookies) next to you at all times, and eat every time you finish the round of Rainbow 6 you're playing. You can easily rack up 4,000kcal a day without trying.
>t. Former fatass
When you start eating until you're full, several things go on in your body.
1, your stomach stretches to be able to eat the double cheese burger, your fries, extra fries and a large coke with a refill. That's 2k calories easy. Consider that there are people who eat two of their standard three meals at a fast food place.
2, you are wiring your brain to eat until you feel not only full, but stuffed.
When you begin eating until you're full, you also begin snacking until you're full. That's as bad as eating fast food twice a day. I have a co-worker that will eat and eat and eat. He's also 5'4", weighs 230lbs and has asthma. He will eat half a full size bag of potato chips AFTER lunch.
>falling for "eat clean" meme
Now I know what kind of “people” are playing R6 with me.
The point is that people who get fat fine give a shit about their macros, retard. OP asked how people get fat, not how they bulk. I promise they aren't worried about the pros/cons of drinking soda, otherwise they wouldn't have their giving toes cut off. We're talking about apples and oranges. An INTJ you are not.
I get full at around 1800 cals. I was an absolute turbo skelly last year. A doctor put me on a 3000 cal diet and i vomited. I'm forcing myself but at least my shirts have started to hug my arms.
>I'm struggling to eat 3000 calories every day clean
I eat over 1500 calories in a single meal easy from bread alone
>I'm struggling to eat 3000 calories every day clean, how do people manage to do that while eating dirty?
It's literally easier to eat more calories if you eat dirty. Empty calories my dude. Butter, oil, sugar, etc. Calorie dense garbage that doesn't really fill you up is in abundance in all first world countries. Imagine waking up, eating two donuts for breakfast, eating McDonald's for lunch with some soda, then eating four slices of pizza for dinner with more soda. Add into a small bowl of ice cream before bed. That's probably the diet for a lot of fatasses and that's a shitload of calories.
You didn't already know?
>eating healthy is a meme on Jow Forums now
So are we all just bloatmaxxing now or what?
>can't wait until we can edit genes
You'll wait you entire life
Its like people who are high risk for cancer who can't wait until a cure so they can keep smoking cigs n shit
Gonna wait around until you die
Its more about drinking a lot of alcohol or soda.
Gained a fuck ton of weight very quickly as a kid cause we had a vat of powdered gatorade that i would drink non stop.
Obesity pretty much requires modern commercial foods. It doesn't really exist in societies that eat indigenous diets (ie 60-100% locally sourced animals).
>How do people even get fat
Drink soda every time you feel thirsty
Snack on junk food
Don't walk, use your car for everything
Buy processed meals
and that's only for things you can change, because of course:
Have bad eating habits during your childhood
Parents never cook so children don't know how to cook
Watch TV while eating snack and get exposed to junkfood ads
not really, most people I know who are fat get takeaway pizza like 4 times a week. average 12-14 inch pizza is around 2000 calories aone. then throw in fries/wedges for another 300-600 depending on size with a soda and your already near 3k.
do that 4 times a week with snacking and its easy.
ehhhhh it's pretty fucking easy with pizza alone
well, I work in a pizzeria
but I drink eat soda and when I fall off the "no pizza no icecream no bread" wagon I blow the fuck up
now obviously with clean eating it's hard, I mean that's a lot of fucking chicken and tuna
>but I drink eat soda
what hte fuck
I meant I don't drink soda
>Drink soda every time you feel thirsty
easiest way to get alot of calories are of course to drink them
1 liter of Coca Cola is like 420 calories, its easy to drink 2 liters of Coca Cola in a day, not even hard
Drink that ontop of your normal diet and you should have a calorie surplus
>don’t have skelly appetite
>eat calorie-dense processed foods
people have different appetites
Breaskfast: 5 eggs, tall glass of orange juice, 1/2 dry cup's worth of oatmeal (~650 calories)
Mid morning snack: half cup cottage cheese, piece of fruit, handful of almonds (~500 calories)
Lunch: 3oz chicken breast with 1/2 dry's worth of rice with steamed kale (~500 calories)
Afternoon snack: peanut butter sandwich with banana (~500 calories)
Dinner: burrito bowl - rice, chicken, avocado, tomatoes, peppers, kidney beans, salsa, sour cream (~900 calories)
That's over 3k right there, and is not that much if you space it out. I also usually have a protein shake on lifting days, and generally have a dessert after dinner. Not hard to get up to 3500 or more in a day that way.
I don't even remember what I ate when I was 140kg.
I'd have two servings of noodles instead of one, I could eat an entire frozen pizza for a single meal, that sort of thing. Downed with a bottle of pineapple soda or something.
Sad part is, even 60kg less, I could probably still do it. I don't what it is in some people, man, I've got no switch. No "now is the time to stop" body regulation. I could just eat and eat and eat without stopping.
Takes conscious effort to control.
bread cheese oats 3k is easy mode
>all these people falling for the "3 meals a day" meme
Finally, someone who gets it.
>orange juice
for what purpose?
No. Most just deink the regular kind and then laugh about it.
One of the biggest memes is when a person has a large meal and orders a coke zero which is actually not a bad thing to do
I think fatties are mentally ill and have a crazy obsession with food. Think about it they cant even maintain their TDEE calories and they think about food the whole time.
I enjoy it.
Can't argue with that
They eat trash. Trash is designed to have as little nutritional value as possible while at the same time tricking the body into thinking ot actually has lots. So they're constantly hungry because they're deficient
I got chubby extremely slowly over the course of four years. Due to my life conditions, I ate hot garbage. Sometimes I'd overeat and sometimes I'd spend days with barely a bite. Nonetheless coupled with a sitting job and very little exercising, I am now borderline fat.
(Yes, I am going to lose it, don't worry)
Spend more days with barely a bite fatty.
That's what I'm doing, my dude.
Thats because you have multiple meals a day. Fatties just eat constantly, their day consists of one 18 hour long meal
based and I think so too.
literally mental illness like trannies.
>65kgs manlet
>Got a full body workout for the gym, gym bro who's pushing me to do this tells me eating is just as important
>Eating 3000 calories per day is so fucking difficult, I'm already drinking protein shakes, now 67kgs
How the fuck do you people do it? Switching to good foods and ditching shit like soda, candy and other shit food was easy as alot easier than I ever thought it would be but the sheer volume is killing me. I've only gained 2kgs of muscle in a few weeks.
What do you guys eat throughout the day to bulk?
you didnt gain 2kg of muscle in a few weeks. you are lucky if you end up gaining 5kg of RAW muscle per YEAR. you probably gained a lot of water + a lil bit of muscles + fat.
add more fats into your diet if you have a hard time getting your kcal's in.
>you are lucky if you end up gaining 5kg of RAW muscle per YEAR
5kg sounds a bit much user
i heard it was around 2-3 kg
Okay, fair enough. I'll try to include more fat and take a note from here.
thats why I said lucky if you end up gaining 5kg per year. point is it will take years and user hasnt gained 2kg of muscles, just 2kg on the scale and thats different.
also for every year its likely that you will put on less and less muscle
testosterone levels starts going down when you are in your early 20s
I think the best advice I can give you is to setup your eating so that you can actually maintain your diet even if life gets shitty/complicated. you dont want to spend hours in your kitchen, maybe the first few weeks but you will get bored of that shit and you arent a pro bodybuilding so you dont need to go full retard on "clean" eating. not like you need to add sweets and shit but just keep in mind that you need to be able to sustain that diet for a long time and it should be realistic. to maintain.
Skelly cope. You eat like a girl
What would be a good cutting diet, anons? After a good year of bulking, I'm still around 15% body fat and I'm pretty good overall except a small beer belly/love handles. How do I kill these fucks?
Apparently everything is just a meme
Literally getting fit and being healthy is just a meme
some people have higher stomach capacity bro. I'm 140lbs and just broke my 48hour fast with a 5k binge in 30 minutes yesterday night, and I was hungry this morning.
Nice diet
If you want to bulk why even give a fuck about the macros
Just dont overdo the calorie surplus and get enough protein and veggies thats it
You dont have to try to bulk eating chicken and broccoli and oatmeal
How do people even get skinny? I’m struggling to eat under 3000 calories everyday *insert nonstop bullshit about literally nothing to prove nothing*
just dont eat.
This is a typical day for me and I'm not bulking. Which is why I lift. Otherwise I'll get super fat.
Chocolate covered nuts for snacks. Ice cream at least once a day. Eat big healthy fatty meals. Drink juice, milk or soda. Easy.
Bloatmaxxing is a meme
Eating progressively larger meals over a decade getting an increasingly more space for food and the craving just follows.
why did you fast for 48 hours?
you cutting even though you're 140lbs?
how tall are you?
Since people are just posting their meal plan I'll slap mine down
1/2 cup dry oats + 2 oz raisins
2 bananas
2 oz almonds
peanut butter on raisin bread
mid morning
protein shake with spinach + 6 oz egg whites
4 oz uncooked rice
2 oz uncooked lentils
3 oz cooked ground beef
1 sausage
4 oz pasta
5 oz chicken breast
2 oz pesto
2 oz almonds
ez clap
I can't even go past 9 nuggets with large fries...
>uncooked rice and lentils
mirin your jaw gains
You post that body right now
Sugar and Salt are addicting.
A couple of years back I couldve written the same thread myself
I was a skeleton and when I tried to bulk up I ate until I puked and it still wasn't enough, so I started blending the food
A few years later of gradually consuming more and more I don't find 3000 kcal any challenge at all any more. On the flip side I have to constantly restrict myself
Your body gets used to it. Trust me when I tell you: it is preferable to struggle getting enough, than to constantly want more.
What world do you people live in that people eat out for every meal? I eat out maybe once a week. Growing up, we ate out once a month max. Do you people just have shitty families?
>800 calorie Coke
Serving size: A bucket?
Don't actually break fast
Whatever my mom makes
Pretzels or something.
So what kind of shit do you eat to gain weight that isn't a bunch of soda/fast food? Im 6'0 135 pounds so extreme so mode.
Are you the type of person predisposed to getting AIDS?
its not hard. 3000 clean cals is lean mode for me
My gf is ballooning like nothing I've seen before. I get her into the gym at least 3 days a week, but lately she has been finding excuses not to go. Her job is an office job where she sits all day. She loves deserts and junk food. She used to be on a solid diet, but gave that up. So basically you just neglect physical fitness in its entirety, sit around all day, stuff your face with sugary shit like cookies, ice cream, and brownies. Throw in some potato chips for good measure and snack obsessively. If we broke up, she'd fly to 200 lbs or higher. So you can throw that in there as a factor as well: no fitness based social ties or incentives.
Because they drink their calories.
I'm fucking jelly
If I eat more than 1700 calories I get fat. How is this fair?
I don't eat any of that shit and still gain weight.
lmao I'm cutting on 2800 cals
I fast because I like the feeling and it builds discipline. I'm 6'2 lmfao but just trying to get the ultra chiseled model face
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