I killed a thread for this

How far should governments go to prevent its citizens from causing harm to themselves?

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As far as the consensus of the majority of their constituents allows!

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Fair point

Why have many societies begun to place such a high value on emotions and being emotional?

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I have not noticed that, perhaps an example?!

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read notes from the underground to understand why it wouldn't work

addiction isn't actually about the inability to stop unless you mean withdrawal, it's the complete lack of actual desire to do so

The government should be the ones that are allowed to harm it's citizens for scientific advancements

Have you heard of Dr. Kevorkian?

>read notes from the underground to understand why it wouldn't work
I don't understand but okay
Oh boy

Preferebly children from the lower class or orphans

I can feel you opening my cervix

Weapon X?

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Why and how?

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Yes. Also the government should be allowed every resource on the planet for advancement in space travel and terraforming planets

slow down there Future Boy

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How doe's he relate to societies emotions?

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Fine, we won't waste Earth's beauty. Well do that for a planet in another system. You see mark, once we get the ability to travel to other solar systems we have a near infinite amount of resources we could harvest.

>I don't understand but okay
it's a book, tl;dr freewill and volition will lead people to disobey even the most perfect governance because we're irrational and not a hivemind so prevention methods don't work

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I think Dr. Doctor got a headache!

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Jack Kevorkian inflamed a nationwide debate in the 1990s over a terminally ill patient's right to die. And he served eight years in prison for second-degree murder for administering the lethal injection rather than helping the patient do it himself.

>Assisted suicide
the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose.

In the United States there are assisted dying laws restricted to terminally ill and mentally competent adults in Oregon, Montana, Washington, Vermont, Hawaii, California, Colorado and Washington D.C. Oregon was the first United States state to legalize assisted suicide, which was achieved through popular vote.

Now why do you think assisted suicide isn't legal in all other states?
If someone is terminally ill and they exhausted all other choices and their suffering why not let go assisted suicide route instead of dying a slow painful death
Sounds good but sounds good but how would you get all other nations to stop fighting?
How would you do it?

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>How would you do it?
i wouldn't, i like hurting myself anyway

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Kill them all. What else do you think I'd say?

But suicide has been an issue since the Roman Empire, so its hardly a recent thing!
Plus it's more about religion than government though the line between has also been thin for the last two hundred years!

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So you want a dictatorship?

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For assisted suice, just drag the terminally ill person out back and put him down like you'd do to a dog
No, just destroying every other country on Earth but keeping your current government and killing everyone who disagrees with the destruction of every other country.

> suicide has been an issue since the Roman Empire
Specifically assisted suicide.
>Plus it's more about religion than government
Religion and other beliefs are fueled by emotions, right?
>For assisted suice, just drag the terminally ill person out back and put him down like you'd do to a dog
>No, just destroying every other country on Earth but keeping your current government and killing everyone who disagrees with the destruction of every other country.
How would other people view that?

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Don't care because they won't speak out against it

So you'll become tyrant?

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No. People who don't complain can live as freely as they wish but people who hate it will be either forced to work on farms or killed

The government should not involved at all

My point was that it was not a recent thing, you originally asked why have many societies begun.
Begun denotes a recent thing!
Also I think when you say societies you mean America. But back to my point, emotions have always played a large role in human decision making.

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not be involved*

Your id has onions, youre the hero we deserve, not need

t. tyrant
How would that work out in the end?
sorry if I'm all over the place it's like 4 in the morning over here.....
>Begun denotes a recent thing
>Also I think when you say societies you mean America
>But back to my point, emotions have always played a large role in human decision making.
Then should we remove emotions and think logically when it comes to laws?

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...how the hell did onions turn into onions?


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Not anymore, only a newfag once...till the next public slip up

That's ok! It's almost my bed time too!
I should have gotten off the internet 20 minutes ago!

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Unbased and bluepilled. Stop drinking /s/oy
What's wrong with that. It wouldnt be bad for you if you didn't complain about my tyrannical rule

Twin 9s will help me sleep!

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....ah shucks...

Nice nines and go to bed
I don't like the idea of ruling with an iron fist.

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this unironically

Why not. I won't be a bad tyrant. Tyrant is a bad word, let's use monarch instead

t. tyrant

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How is he a tyrant. He didn't agree with my worse points. Probably just that one point he replied to me with.

Sorry It was for you

How much Freedom would people have under your "monarchy"?

Free speech, you can still keep your guns, you still have a right to protest, you have the right to do anything as long as it's within the law.

Then explain this

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Yeah, being forced to work on a farm or mine is better than prison. Complain was the wrong word. I meant riot about me destroying every other nation

So what's your kingdom called?

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Kingdom of DenMark


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This how it will look in the beginning


Yeah, it looks beautiful.

How many of them were innocent lives?

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t. tyrant

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They would have attempted to invade my kingdom eventually


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The solution is obviously public masturbation.

How do you know they wouldn't?

Isn't that legal in some European country?
I doubt kids will overthrow you.

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you didn't nuke the whole planet

*You did

I was more worried about spiders and wasps

So you nuke the whole earth because of bugs and in the crossfire innocent lives were lost.

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Yeah, seems like a legitimate reason for me.

Inform them about possible sources of harm so they can decide properly for themselves

>Yeah, seems like a legitimate reason for me
This guy gets it

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They should actively kill you off