Jow Forums Halloween costumes

Its getting closer and closer to that time of the year again, Jow Forums. Time to start thinking of what to dress up as to show as much of your physique again.

Post some Jow Forums approved halloween costumes.

Attached: 2tiI4fD.jpg (766x681, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: fit biker.jpg (565x709, 265K)

Bane, unless you're a dyel

>Its getting closer and closer to that time of the year again
>tfw never dressed up for halloween and went trick or treaing
>never went to a costume party
>tfw 35 year old khv
feels bad man

you'll only attract fags with that

Maybe next year, the humongous will always make me feel like a dyel.

Attached: Madmax2.jpg (400x261, 24K)

like this isn't any different

Attached: fuckyou.png (474x665, 415K)

Why not this year?

You best be able to either work the shaft like a pro or hit those high notes on Painkiller

>insulting the Humungus
>the LORD Humungus
The Warrior of the Wasteland
The Ayatollah
>of Rock

Welp I fucked that up

Hey buddy, the leather club is two blocks down

Last year I made a janky Pikachu costume out of cheap bits and pieces from Party City, and aside the fact that it was really fun to go around like that a lot of girls liked it. I've gotten bigger and moved since then, so I'm just going to reuse it.

Attached: 4u.jpg (470x706, 50K)


I'm too fat. 10kg seems like too much in too little time, next year for me bro

Attached: b479b2359dcb5d6b57ce2cbee5ce6db2.jpg (720x960, 117K)

Someone post it

Someone’s gotta post it

I want to go new boot goofin'

Attached: cnamIEL.gif (250x250, 994K)

Attached: spartacus-3.jpg (1001x707, 66K)

...I lift...

Attached: 1D670C79-5656-486C-A798-DD34E19886CE.jpg (300x400, 30K)

Attached: 1565900309913.jpg (1136x1136, 157K)


Attached: Bane in middle school.jpg (958x842, 188K)


Fucking easy and shows off gains. Duck tape knives on hands?

Attached: 170px-Wolverine_AKA_James__Logan__Howlett.png (170x273, 69K)

Attached: 96C24D66-5CF5-4F21-BFBF-609B549216B1.png (1334x750, 3.63M)

3 years running. Hard part is finding a mask to see through

Attached: tkcgrwuxckj21.jpg (2902x1919, 284K)

my boi

Attached: jotaro underwatere ok.jpg (259x359, 18K)

>show your physique
I'm going as Dante

Attached: Antonio_Cotti_-_Dante_a_Verona.jpg (2126x1803, 3.12M)

I need to get a lower bf% and a bigger ass first

Attached: venom-snake-play-demo-version_metal-gear-solid_gallery_5c4bb639cb907.jpg (800x1000, 148K)

manlet friendly as well lol

No one cared who I was until I made the sandwich

I will stay at home like I always do lol

I don't know what the artist was trying to convey in that painting, but it looks like that dude in red just did something to that little kid.


im fucking dying

>master of the Smegma Crazies and Gayboy Berzerkers

Attached: gayboy berzerker.jpg (700x373, 69K)

I'm going as the Mad Doctor from Killer7.

Attached: Mad Doctor Cosplay Kit.png (754x1780, 419K)

That's not a costume

I've been a sexy bunn y for the last couple years (always different parties) but this year I'm thinking sexy wizard.
I've already got a half-top with a hood and wizard sleves and I need other elements to complete the look.
I'm thinking tights and lace-up hotpants for a start.
Any suggestions?

Attached: bun hun.png (1170x1560, 2.88M)

>need an ass
just go as smash 5 Snake.

I bet that costume gets you tons of dick

My chest and abs are hairy as fuck though

Forgot the fuckin pic

Attached: 78C4A0BF-0F52-4318-AF4A-06D8B680179C.png (1536x2304, 3.62M)


Lol I wish, tons of confidence gains though going to a cold room like that.

Checked and still keked.

Attached: 1464941925838.png (537x448, 236K)

Lmao I probably could do his anime costume at a con or somehting.
It'd have to be somewhere people would recognize what I was going for.

Fuck you

Dante told that kid that he was doomed to stay in the manlet circle of hell

Based and rainpilled

>all these people not doing couple costumes with their gf
You guys do have gfs right?
[spoiler]I'm going as Kelly C and my gf is going as Jon Snow[/spoiler]

Oh fuck that gave me a good laugh

Your kind are grotesque abominations.

Attached: 1548436105554.gif (375x375, 1.9M)

Don't do it.

Unless you're shredded from roids you're going to look half-assed.

If you were well socialized you could still pull off a win, but you're going to sperg out immediately with any female contact. You're going to spent hours, days, weeks planning, put on your costume, go out super tryhard, have some very brief mires, fail, get drunk and then wake up alone the next day.

How do i talk to women? Ive watch lots of videos on youtube but i always get shy then don't know what to do and sperg out. Should i try to redpill them?

>Looking good, ladies!
>Where do you work out?
>I'm lost, can you help me find my mum?
>Follow that car!
>How many protons do you think this is?

Jelly bloatlord detected.

Will this actually work?


Attached: Death-Squad.gif (254x261, 19K)

You never know until you try, user.

Alternatively, complement hair (or something they have control over, like style or whatever) and try to get talking about something they're passionate about and that you can take an interest in/already know something about.

This post is general advice by the by, I have no idea how to talk to them. Or anyone aged within 10years of me, now that I think about it.
I believe in you, user.

Attached: 1564234187015.jpg (552x307, 20K)

Somebody post the pic of the bulky slave with a gas mask

Slav* lmao


im going to go as a virgin incel sitting in my room in the dark on halloween lmao

T-todd is that you?

In that very thread it was discovered that the pic wasn't OP via reverse image search. Aside from that, OP claimed to be wearing a bald cap, which isn't present in the picture.

I guess no one ever noticed that he said he wore a "bald cap to cover [his] hair," yet the pic doesn't have said bald cap.

The geniuses here wouldn't notice something so trivial as that.

They just want to laugh at an epic screencap, even if it's fake

FBI spotted

Redpills only work after you’ve fucked them

But, it's fake. Like all the roiders you losers idolize. It's all fake.

What bf% is Asura? Also good ab workouts?

Attached: Asura.png (735x1000, 651K)

Im wearing a nutty costume

Fuck off, i'm not buying it again

Attached: todd.png (702x858, 838K)

Very underrated

Attached: BUY MY GAME.png (192x261, 72K)

Something about buff/ripped guys dressed as cute things like bunnies always gets a laugh out of me, like those pictures of swole guys with body pillows

looks good to me daysoo

I'm going as German WW2 man with a variation on the armband and no mustache

Attached: IMG_20190720_185051_428.jpg (640x640, 59K)

Nah fuck you leatherman

smells like australia

Go for a soulpatch, user.

I was born in the kitchen, molded by it


moot is that you

You merely adopted the hob, I was braised on it.

Why did you post a blank sign?

Pic related also pic related.

Attached: 1566692995091.gif (597x324, 2.62M)

Hey bro, I've done it, I just used a black sweater for the mask, try to find something like lycra, and don't use something too large because if you pass it two times around your eyes you won't see shit

Imma do that.

Attached: Took+a+picture+of+him+at+a+con+first+thing+_ae47c63dbd948abbc2042a9ccde481a3.jpg (720x960, 287K)

Try looking in the mirror, and then looking back at the picture, user.

It has a truth you need to see.


Mr X

>Black trenchcoat
>Black fedora
>Black gloves
>Black army boots
>grey facepaint

If youre too DYEL you can fill the coat to make yourself look more buff

Attached: resident_evil_2_mr_x-2.jpg (3840x2160, 369K)

Approved Jow Forumsizens only, creeps.

Attached: 30 years in the Cube.jpg (1143x1890, 624K)

Holy fucking kek, its this time of the year again. Burgers constantly talking about their costumes for two months straight. Does one day of larping really require all this hype and preparation? Is your one day commercialized holiday so imp

The actor was objectively huge for Bane. He weighted 210+ at like 5’7”

going for the Hardo Gay look, I can dig it.

Attached: [ACX]Wandaba_Style_-_04_-_Fear_of_a_speed_of_1600kmh_[Yukami]_[A5D82F46].mkv_snapshot_14.40_[2019.07 (640x480, 39K)