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What does Jow Forums do for skin care? I picked up an exfoliate from a previous thread but want to hear more

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30yo boomer here starting to get scared of aging. Someone please, redpill me on the necessary lotions and potions

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I used to go out in 100 degree afternoons to run. Not anymore man

So most skincare products do nothing in the long-term aging-wise. Moisturizers, spa-treatments, whatever do nothing long term. The "evidence" is a bunch of roasties sitting around saying how good their skin looks and feels.

SUNSCREEN, which is going to stop UV DNA damage to basal layers where permanent sun damage will accumulate is effective.

BUT UVA protection in American sunscreens is limited and a fraction of the label's SPF rating (which only covers UVB). PLUS to even get the label's SPF rating on UVB you have to put the sunscreen on THICK and FREQUENTLY, which isn't what most people do.

Consequently it's probably best to first limit your time in the sun to begin with and cover up, using sunscreen as a last resort and not an excuse to linger.

The other would be RETIN-A, which accelerates collagen formation. It basically kicks collagen into overdrive and increases skin regeneration rate. That'll push off pimples, black head etc. It'll also repair skin damage, reduce wrinkles and prevent wrinkles in the first place. There are non-prescription formulations of retinols, but they're weak as shit compared to the prescription stuff that'll regenerate your entire face off at the highest concentrations, and the cosmetic stuff can probably more expensive.

Botox can fix wrinkles, but you're just freezing your face into place and it'll look weird. Dermal fillers are temporary too. You can do them but it's not fixing the underlying problem.

Trention, sunscreen and moisturizer mostly. Collegn supplementation for my high Intake of hazan dazs ice cream, sugar ages your skin.

I always thought skin care was all about always washing your face at night and in the morning. I applied Benzoyl Peroxide religiously to any new blemishes and rubbed it on areas that had recurrent pimples. Despite this routine I've had issues with acne since I hit puberty. I'm 24 now.

I was always perplexed and frustrated by people who had seemingly perfect skin that didn't do anything to it at all. They just brushed their teeth, went to bed, and woke up with flawless skin. Turns out that different people have different skin types that need more, less, or specialized care.

For me, I have somewhat oily skin but I was being too aggressive with my treatment. I always thought my best bet was to just dry out my face to make sure bacteria wouldn't be able to grow. Turns out that a lot of the oils I was washing away actually helped protect me from bacteria. So now, I use a nice face wash from Lush. If I ever wash my face, I ALWAYS follow it up with some sort of beard conditioner or moisturizer. Exfoliators should be used on the face sparingly (once or twice a week max) since facial skin is very sensitive. I still have the odd pimple here and there but that comes with being on roids + being a med student. Stress will always lead to a few pimples.

The easiest change I made that made the most drastic effect was using a loofa on a stick for my back and chest when I showered. I went from having an acne-ridden back and chest to 99% clear skin and all it takes is some extra scrubbing in the shower.

Also, stop touching your face. Change your sheets once a week. Especially your pillow cases (I'd do that every few days. I drool a lot when I sleep).

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Which moisturizer do you recommend?

32yr old boomer
People say I look 25.


Skincare is a priority

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Based Monster

Looking for a moisturizer.

This guy fucks. What's best for dark circles under the eyes? One of my generic flaws, I'm afraid.

Ayy my man, I own 90% of that shit.

For face or body?

I have very sensitive skin (prone to redness/splotchy especially if I use harsh soaps on face and body).

I use first aid beauty for face after washing it.


I apply at night before bed.

Sunscreen in morning (with zinc...also hypoallergenic) before driving to work (1hr commute in car, lots of sun).

I also matched it up with the face wash to wash off sunscreen when I get home.

For body, I use nivia cocoa butter.
Tub/lotion if I took a bath. niveausa.com/products/cocoa-butter-body-cream-721400213990079.html

Or the in shower/rinsable lotion if I take a shower. niveausa.com/products/cocoa-butter-in-shower-body-lotion-721400193960079.html

If i take a hot shower and/or exfoliate or use skin peel, I'll use cucumber face mask to calm down the redness and moisturize.


Also...cucumber masks (that's why there's meme of being at spa with cucumbers on eyes).

More effective...just buy collagen and vitamin E and make I to a paste and apply directly to under eyes and let sit for a while (watch movie, play vidya, etc).

I rub rocks from the train track all over my face

Holy shit you fags are gay.
let it = your face
>get a man’s haircut so your hair’s not laying on it
>stop using hot water on it except when it’s super dirty
>use normal soap, in bar form. No scents or other gay shit. You can make your own soap from tallow pretty easily which is what I do.

Face mostly. I used to be reckless with this shit.


Dercutane every single day. It's been 8 months or so and I finally stop taking it in 20 days. In a few months I'll get some acne scar removal treatment like laser or whatever and afterwards I can start using fountain of youth creams

Dont buy cheap, buy one with good quality ingredients and without any hormones changing chemicals and doesn't block pores.

What ingredients would you recommend?

Is it daily use?

Research them, I bought mine from a health food store. Cheap l'oreal ones are shit. Apply after shower, especially warm or hot. Apply ice cubes to ur face also, ice helps skin