Is he natty ?

is he natty ?

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Who cares?

i do, i wanna know if its possible to do 100 reps with 135 lbs, i can do it for 5 reps so far

>Half Reps
On a serious note though, yes, this is definitely possible natty. Especially if you half rep like he does in the video. It takes a lot of training, but it is without a doubt possible.

That's not even half. He's doing quarter reps.

please dont summon balkangigachad he's gonna fuck my wife and daughter again!

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>dat range of motion

if he started a 10 k diet, got coached properly, did FULL REPS and started doing the BIG 3, how far would he go ? quarter rep or half reps its impressive not gonna lie its not like its the fucking barbell alone its a fucking /fit benchmark that almost equals a 2pl8 bench also adding the fact this nigga is 18 and probably doesnt have a long lifting road under his belt

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Jesus, his form is awful. And no OP, I doubt he's natty. The weight is easy to achieve, but I refuse to believe an 18-year-old managed to get there with such little knowledge on proper form for OHP.

yeah not even half desu