Is he natty ?

is he natty ?

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Who cares?

i do, i wanna know if its possible to do 100 reps with 135 lbs, i can do it for 5 reps so far

>Half Reps
On a serious note though, yes, this is definitely possible natty. Especially if you half rep like he does in the video. It takes a lot of training, but it is without a doubt possible.

That's not even half. He's doing quarter reps.

please dont summon balkangigachad he's gonna fuck my wife and daughter again!

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>dat range of motion

if he started a 10 k diet, got coached properly, did FULL REPS and started doing the BIG 3, how far would he go ? quarter rep or half reps its impressive not gonna lie its not like its the fucking barbell alone its a fucking /fit benchmark that almost equals a 2pl8 bench also adding the fact this nigga is 18 and probably doesnt have a long lifting road under his belt

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Jesus, his form is awful. And no OP, I doubt he's natty. The weight is easy to achieve, but I refuse to believe an 18-year-old managed to get there with such little knowledge on proper form for OHP.

yeah not even half desu

that's 5 reps more than the retard in OP

It's barely even quarter. The part of the OHP that's a challenge is the sticking point where the shoulder has to actually take the majority of the weight.

He's a fucking retard is what he is.

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Still got better delts than you, DYEL

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post body

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He's not fat enough to do these bloat-tier quarter reps. My guess is he just juices and fucks about with his bar without really following any kind of program, and now he just keeps jacking up the weight with shittier and shittier form for his silly ego videos.

I'm not sure what lift he's doing but it's not an OHP.

bad form or not im 99.99% certainly sure not a single one on /fit can do that not even with that form, 135 lbs for 100 reps equals 225 in the bench for almost same amount of reps,now if he did proper form cut that in half, he COULD probably rep 30-50 times a 225 LBS bench wich is crazy for a 18 year old sub 180 lbs...crazy as hell

What the fuck are those calculations
being able to do 2 half reps doesnt equate to being able to do a proper rep, they're two different parts of the movement.

Using the dyel Jow Forums strawmen to justify shit form. Back to ressit with you

And he's literally using momentum to perform the half rep making it barely a quarter rep

Bodybuilders often avoid doing exercises with full range of motion.

Cheat reps and half-reps build muscle on targeted areas very well. Just at a cost of long-term stability I guess.

225 bench is a lot harder than 135 press

in my case i was talking from my experience, a 135 lbs ohp was harder than a 225 lbs bench, anyway, it was an example, hes STRONG, very strong for being 18 and that light, it takes athleticism to do 100 reps with 135 lbs quarter rep or half rep

Post fucking body. They do that, because their muscles get so big. Cheat reps only make sense when you take roids. If your natty then it's a great way to fuck up your joints

>Cheat reps only make sense when you take roids. If your natty then it's a great way to fuck up your joints

If you're only interested in stressing one muscle group, cheat reps and half-reps work. That's all I said.

It looks like he's deepthroating himself lmao

lol the cope

Post body

One can only hope so

Or he's using fake weights because he makes those videos to shitpost

If I can do 8x135 full reps of OHP, how many of these quarter reps do you figure I could do? My sticking point is right where he's stopping, about 3 inches over the top of my head.


You probably cheat curl 250 lbs with shitty form everyday. Perish