Was what I said fucked up when my suitemate made comments towards my height?

Was what I said fucked up when my suitemate made comments towards my height?

I live at college with 5 other guys in a 3 bedroom suite. We met freshman year and are a pretty tight knit group of engineers, and decided to live together sophomore year.

I became good friends with one dude in particular, we'd work out everyday at the gym together and hang out/play video games in co-op. We always joked about shit, I'll call him Nick for anonymity. Well one night we were all hanging out and talking about when we lost our virginity. We got on the topic of girls and height, and he said (jokingly) to me that I will never get a beautiful girl because Im short (I'm 5'5 btw and he's 6'2). I brushed it off but it kept going on, another suitemate called me mini hercules (I'm pretty buff, around 160lbs and low bodyfat). Nick said yeah but he won't get laid being short. At that point I said, yeah, well at least I'm not a nigger. (He's black btw). Then he said excuse me, I know you didn't just call me the n word little man. You just have short man syndrome and are jealous. Then I said not really I bet I make more money than your welfare ass, what was your GPA again a 2.2? (He had some trouble in freshman year and was on academic probation)

He got so offended when I said that, but it was okay for him to mock something outside of my control. Anyway, he's been mad quiet around me recently. I am thinking of apologizing, the other suitemates are cool with me but I feel kinda bad. But not really, I felt like I held my ground and made it seem like I wasnt a pushover.

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You didn't do anything wrong. He was throwing shit at you and you threw some shit back as a response. If he wants to give it he need to know how to take it as well. You've got nothing to apologize for. Its not like you called him the n word for no reason. He kept making fun of your height and you made fun of him

>well at least I'm not a nigger
Fucking based. And no, you should not apologize unless HE does it first.

You got offended because you know it's true

Have fun going to prison for hate crime racist.

have fun being socially exiled

Logically, you fucked up at the welfare/gpa part. You came back at him with something he can't control either (being black), so that would've been fine by itself, but you dragged out the race bit with the poor stereotype and dug a deeper hole.

Aside from that, you basically outed yourself as a mad, racist, coping manlet to your social group. Doesn't matter if you were right or wrong, you're basically fucked (socially)

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OP dont listen to this fag. I go to college in a white majority area and everyone hates niggers

Is he supposed to insult him back exactly with the same way he insulted him? Should the Soviets have stopped at the Polish border or went further into Berlin? If someone gives you shit you give it back twice as hard

Don't get me wrong I do too, but he didn't specify his area's demographics, most colleges are pretty politically correct

Fair enough. But OP's insecure enough to ask on a Mongolian basket weaving board whether or not he's justified in saying what he did, showing he cares about how his friends see him. He's living with those guys, and if they socially exile him it's not a fun living situation is it

whenever you near him call him rat raised nigga and see how he react

>well at least I'm not a nigger
Social suicide.
if you want to atone, do it quick. Go up to him and say "I want to be the bigger man and apologize for what I did".

ignore these losers, double down. People like a strong horse, if you go back on your word they'll smell blood in the water and know they can push you around.

>I want to be the bigger man

You outed yourself as a racist shortman syndrome fuckhead. Don’t apologize, just accept that you said something and move on with your life. On a different note the only way you can get laid is confidence. If there was ever a “pheromone” that women could pick up on, its confidence. Stop being insecure about your height as that shit will ruin you and make you give off an inferior complex. This isn’t some “just be yourself” type shit, it’s literally just going up, talking to women and being straightforward with them if you find them attractive. Good luck retard, and next time control your emotions you midget.

Yeah to their big lipped faces

Just explain to him that you were using something he can't control to insult him to display how he was doing the same to you. Then go on to explain how dwarfs also have a long history of being discriminated against to. Tell him how when his ancestors were riding the ships, yours were kept in cages in freak dhow carnivals.

All black people chimp out at the site of the n word you did nothing wrong OP
Niggers are gonna nig

Nah. Everyone secretly wants BBC.

I call my niggas the n word all the time. Its 2019, its just a fake reaction if they are triggered by the word and theyre like younger than 35. Literally has no more weight these days.

>get called short during a roast fest
>sperg out and call him a nigger seriously
Yeah your height wont prevent you from making it but your mind will

>yeah, well at least I'm not a nigger

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>yeah, well at least I'm not a nigger
i kekd out loud. please be real

>6 guys in 3 bedrooms

Just spam your appartment building with black crime statistics

I don't think what you said is that bad. The big issue is that you have shown that you're sensitive about your height. The best course of action now is to bang a really hot girl. That shuts down your friend's argument.

Was his name Phil and are you from /co/?

Nah, he was asking for it by attacking you for something you can't control. Judging by the probation, he's too stupid to see this and will hold a grudge. He was probably jealous of your aesthetics outside height and had to attack you the only way he could.
If he is intelligent enough to see that he was at fault and apologizes, then you can apologize. Do not initiate because he initiated the shitfest and the onus is on him. Initiating in your position makes you look weak.

Reading this thread made me realize that being a manlet will reduce your chances for success more than being a coloured person.
If the sjws were really about equality they would adopt manlets in their army of disenfranchised.

Lmao fucking manlet with zero chill

He was being a cunt saying that you'll never get a girl. You did alright.

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Nah there's nothing to apologize for, people shouldn't talk shit if they can't handle it coming back at them

Kekked Based fellow manlet, i would have done the same. He hurled some shit and you hurled some back.

These crab mentality lanklets espescially nig nogs need to learn we watch each others back and not drag each other down.

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You made the right move. The way he responded with venom instantly to your remark shows what he really thinks about you.
Never relax

Hey bro youre kinda short lol, whats it like down there little guy?
>mind begins racing to memories of jumping to reach the top shelf, having women pretend to see over me, and not being allowed on amusement park rides. My disproportionately large head gets very hot with shame
>i dont understand, why is he not laughing? Its the same see? Jokes about height are obviously worse than being called a nigger. Doesnt he realize short men live in slavery, oppression, and discrimination to this day? I was just holding my ground against his BBC, my quivering boipussy needs protection

>goes on fit and is immediately validated by manlet nazi larpers who think sperging out on a friend like that is respectable. Youre not Derek Vinyard, youre a dwarf who would have still been in the wrong if he snuffed your ass

Lanklet here, you did good and he still owes you an apology.

Except that wasn't how the conversation went at all and you're whiteknighting (how ironic) a nigger.

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>strawmanning this hard
OP gave the guy plenty of time to back off on insulting his height. You sound oversalty because you don't realize that blacks are a coddled and protected class in the west, and the black guy got what he was fishing for.

>Calling someone a nigger, a friend especially, is an understandable response to being roasted in a group setting about your height
Said not one normal person ever

>well at least I'm not a nigger.

Based. Don't appologize.

So glad I don't live in a shithole like America. Imagine being socially fucked because you called a nigger a nigger or a faggot a faggot.

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I call my asian friends dirty gooks all the time and they call me a sandnigger
It's literally only niggers and kikes that get offended when you call them what they are.
Fuck off back to cuckland

1 shut up haji
2 clearly racist jokes were never introduced in his friendship. Thats like getting mad your gf didnt like anal without you asking

>Don't make fun of niggers
>Shut up haji
Are you literally brain dead?
Is a 12 year old typing for you?

>dont call a black guy nigger is the same as you cant make jokes
Brainlet tier also fuck muzzies, 556 and 762 is all they deserve

Why the fuck not? What makes them so special that you can't call them nigger? Is it because theya re literal chimpanzees that can't understand logic and reason and chimp out at the mere mention of the word (from anyone who isn't a nigger of course).
It's because calling them a nigger reminds them of what they are and there isn't anything worse than remembering you will always be a nigger.
So fuck off back to primary school tyrone and keep avoiding those child support bills like you do functioning societies.


If youve ever gotten mad at some dyke feminist saying all men are rapists, or a black saying all whites are guilty, shut up hypocrite. Same logic

Being angry at double standards being pushed through every kike infested media outlet isn't the same as a nigger chimping out.

>made a few jokes during a group roast AS DUDES DO
Nigger chimping out

Ok retard

Glad you understand

You are either a retarded or maliciously want OP to fuck his shit.
You think a black guy is ever going to respect you when you bitch out like that?
Bro, why do you think white people pretend to be Nazis in prison? Because that's how they get the blacks to respect them enough not to rape and murder them all.
This black dude was talking shit to OP and the thing you're supposed to do when men shit-talk you is SHIT-TALK BACK. If anything OP didn't take it far enough and should have shit-talked more.
And you know what? If someone snitches on OP it'll probably be one of the other white guys, not the nigger. Unless he's a fucking bitch bugman "woke" black.

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even if you were holding your ground, nice that you did, but i think you could be the bigger person and start the apologize

You are a pussy.

if OP feels bad about it why not just to do something to it

>You outed yourself as a racist shortman syndrome fuckhead.

*Blacks assume all white people are racist because they are racist too and can't fathom how much brain-washing white people receive and internalize.
*People of all races assume everything short men do is about short man syndrome. If you are a manlet taking a piss and drinking a glass of water are short man syndrome.

I'd say, if anything, OP should get into a fist fight with the guy. That is how men walk away from a dispute as bros.

you mean UK? in uk you go to prison for it.

I hate those feral apes more than I hate short people but I still hate shortfags. Basically I wish you both the worst in life but absolutely think you should keep calling him a nigger

savage bantz

You ever heard of David Lammy? He's this coal black nigger in the UK who has been a member of their Parliament since he was 28, in the year 2000. His whole bit seems to be just being virulently anti-white and advocating things based on whether or not they hurt white people.

What will you do when you become a faggot and everyone will call you that?

Based and race pilled. Negroes gonna negro. Your better off man, dude had clearly something against you, a friend wouldn’t say something like that desu

mates dont put other mates down
bantering is poking fun at things you know they couldnt give a fuck about

not sure if racism was the best response but you can just clean break and make better friends

aw man not his marks, he probably tries and shit. if you’re a true bro and want to keep being friends you should apologize

Most niggers don't belong in tertiary education for the same reason most whites don't.
All of these guys would have been better served getting a good trade but instead they're hating life and dropping out of these fucking colleges.

Everybody knows male height is a point of contention and out of ones control. You wouldn't constantly remind your friend with a cleft lip that "They'll never get laid with their freak lip" as a joke. Nick was attempting to big dick you, aka assert some sort of providence/authority/superiority over you using his height (also something he was given, not worked for thus making his pride in his height the worst kind of vanity). Now Nick's gravest mistake was thinking that him big dicking you would result in you not standing up for yourself but luckily you understand that as a man you have every right and almost a compulsion to stand up for yourself. So since Nick was continuing to mock you out on your height why shouldn't you be allowed to mock his ethnicity and intelligence (both things he was given and are out of his control). Nick probably never thought you would retaliate and thus the illusion of his superiority over you in the circle of friends was shattered causing him embarrassment. He's pissed that you called his bluff. At this point however you're faced with 2 options; 1. Make up in a dignified manner, laying out your grievances and hopefully he will be mature enough to handle the situation on the same level as you, Or 2. If you feel completely justified in you actions and care naught for his absence in your life or the animosity he will hold for you then continue on life's path paying him no mind.

>No matter what you do you will always be a nigger
Works every time

This. Friends, the actual kind, dont do that kinda shit to each other. He wasn't your friend.