>been doing 400 squats in my room
>sister complains my room smells musky
wat do
Been doing 400 squats in my room
cum on her
oh dear sis, wronk choice of words
Tell your sister to shut up.
Why is she spending so much time in your room?
Turn 360° and walk away
she's right do it out of the fucking room you idiot
Open a window.
>tell her to mind her own business
>close your door and don't let her in anymore
>open a window
>empty a can of deodorant in your room
you know what, empty another can in her room, bitches hate the smell when it's not on Chad
Do squats in her room
Pic related is so cute. I want her to be my gf.
Maybe don't pull out next time
Squat upon her
No, squat her.
tell her to squat on your face haha
Use fucking lysol
She killed herself.
Based and blessed
>400 squats
*exploding knees*
look at those digits OP, you have to do it
Get a humidifier
Cuuuuuuu.... Ohooohohoi yeesaaahh .... Cuuuuuuuuuumiiiiing
more squats
Shoulda told her thats not from the squats
Go fucking outside you disgusting fuck.
who cares what your sister says, my sister says my room smells like garlic and sweat, i tell her to fuck off
Same here doing my sets of 88 burpees. They say I stink out the whole house with my garlic-chad aroma.
Give her the dick.
did she actually say musky?
>I'm squatting Japs and laughing
I'm going to believe that this story is true just because I want to.