QTDDTOT - Questions That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread

No thread up edition.
Dead board.

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Any feedback on my routine, lads? Will be doing it PPLPPLX, but I'm a little bit afraid of overtraining.

Bench Press 4x5
OHP 3x8
Incline DB Press 4x8
Flies 4x12
Dips 3x8-10
Tricep pull down 4x12
Side raises 4x10

Pull down 4x10
BB Rows 4x5
DB Rows 4x10
Cable Row 4x10
DB curl 4x10
EZ-bar curl 3x10

Squat 4x5 or DL 4x5 (rotate between them)
Leg press 4x10
Leg extension 3x12
Leg curl 4x10
Calf shit
More calf shit

Is there a certain type of curl that I should be doing? Currently just doing e-z bar curls.

is pic related a good bulking diet?
goal: gain weight without getting flabby

> breakfast 7am: 15 eggs
> lunch 12pm: 1l of whole milk;
> afternoon snack 16pm: 1l of whole milk;
> post sesh 19pm: 1l of whole milk
> dinner 21h: 800g of beef + 5 fried eggs and butter to taste

Attached: carni bulking.jpg (280x576, 38K)

preacher curls & db curls/hammer curls

Attached: 4c4a56393ea854415ab4c486f4023d0a.png (353x334, 137K)

I'm 6'4 and 190lbs...

My back pain worsens for a day when I do legs but don't want to skip leg day. What do?

Attached: 1564078477502.png (796x588, 92K)

this is you in 3 months

Attached: lVJzVIH.jpg (480x640, 130K)

>don’t want to get flabby
>five meals, eating all day
healthy natural food though, could work