Is this achievable natty in a year from DYEL mode? What routine should I follow if so? I'm 5'11 btw

Is this achievable natty in a year from DYEL mode? What routine should I follow if so? I'm 5'11 btw

Attached: Florian-Munteanu.11.jpg (850x730, 211K)


Delts seems natty. you need to train obliques hard and have genetics for broad shoulders

A thread died for this.

That is not achievable natty in 1 year.

>in a year
I'd question if it's achievable natty at all.

those arms will take at least two years if you're under 6 foot.

It is, just not in one year. If this isn't achievable natty then why the fuck are we even trying?

I have pretty broad shoulders

Don't listen to all the dyels. Definitely doable in 1 year with clean eating and SS.

Here is my body right now

Attached: 2A7E910F-7948-4011-B58F-BB3FE6ED865A.jpg (390x1136, 445K)

ur big toe is huge

Not in a year. Maybe 2 or 3

Attached: 1540822160353.jpg (460x350, 19K)

ticc and hairy :)

What routine should I do? here is my current routine:

Day A:
Squat 5x5
OHP 5x5
Rows 5x5
Curls 2x8
Lat raises 2x8

Day B:
DL 5x5
Bench 5x5
Chinups 5x5
Tricep pushdown 2x8
Face pulls 2x8

I alternate between A and B every mon, wed and fri. I plan on doing this until I reach 1/2/3/4 or until I stop progressing. After this should I just go on a regular hypertrophy routine?

That doesn't sound too bad.

He's on roids just like Michael B Jordan was for the roll

Add 3x10 ohp to B focos on pump

He's 6'4 and 250lbs lean, you retards. You have a sub-90 IQ if you think this is natty.

Attached: 8NKmtQSWLbdEN1RLaP54DLuNHKM.jpg (555x833, 55K)

I’m well aware it probably wouldn’t be attainable at 6”4 natty, I’m asking if I (5”11) can attain this sort of body naturally.

He doesnt look that good in OP's pic

No. Not unless you're born with eliter genetics and judging by you're average at the very best.

He looks fantastic. You have body dysmporphia.

How does that pic tell you that my genetic are average at best? I obviously have high bf right now but that isn’t genetics, I can change that

Summers fags: the thread

If you had good genetics you'd have a wider frame and more muscle mass even without lifting.
Here's an example of great genetics:
Eddie Hall at 16. Already weighed 100kg/220lbs without lifting.

Attached: 1567424758234.jpg (497x561, 101K)

With already having 15 years of athletic experience you retard how is that a comparison?

Have you ever seen a swimmer, you fucking retard? They're not 220lbs, especially at 16-year-old.

Here's another example: Jay Cutler at 15.

Attached: jay (240x320, 22K)

Seems pretty good, once you stall on DL move to 3x5 then maybe 1x5

You can tell this is a roid physique... look at his delts/traps compared to his chest. Either that or he trains his arms/delts/back much more than his chest.

This is a physique that would take 2.5 years minumum of intense lifting and ideal diet from dyel to acheive. Also be aware his genetics play into his appearance. His height makes his torso long, and he has naturally broad shoulders.

If you can hire an elite pt and get them to build you up and make sure you are pushing yourself from day 1 a dyel could acheive this mass and definition in 2,5 yrs. However for most you start out not knowing what the fuck you are doing and there is months of adjustment figuring out your routine, preferred lifts, how to lift and push yourself, etc.