>doesn't wipe down machine/bench after using it
Why do women think they're exempt? What would you do in this situation?
Doesn't wipe down machine/bench after using it
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Because women are dumb, lazy, clueless and entitled. News at 6.
instant energy boost
I had just done squat so my DGAF mode was activated while I was pacing in front of the rack I saw a cute bunny finishing lat pull downs she went to go drink water So I was lenient but when she started rowing I tapped her on the exposed shoulder. told her “just one second”. walked over, looked her dead in the face and took a big wifff of that seat. got banned for the weekend but It was worth it
personally i like it when they don't do it, gives me the feeling of warmth of a woman and the sweat feels like we just took a shower together
I don't do that either. If you don't like my sweat wipe it down yourself, faggot.
This is your brain on cum.
It’s a gym not a restaurant. It’s a place filled with sweat and dirt and rust and sweaty people working hard. Take a shower after you’re done and stop pussy aching you DYEL pussy.
Smelling their sweat is a tool for you to judge genetic compatibility I would recommend taking advantage whenever possible.
tell her to get the hell out of my house and call the police, why would anyone just come in and use someone's private property?
Why would you want to do that? You are there to workout.
Nobody ever told me to do this and I have been going to the gym for quite a while. Even in high school where they taught us gym etiquette in a coed setting this was not taught because the cleaning staff would do that
lmao fucking based if true
"workout" is a noun; you mean "work out".
stop thotposting
I have a home gym and several friends with their own gyms that have better equipment than most commercial gyms
the only reason I train at a commercial gym is to stare at and occasionally fuck gym thots
>I train at a commercial gym is to stare
are your brain on cum?
I eat my own cum and also enjoy cumming inside my fuck buddy's pussy so maybe
at least you are proud of that, good goy
Oy vey! I wish I could pay you for these heroic actions, sadly i don't have any money on me hehe..
the fuk is a CUNCO?
It's short for Cunny Incorporated
what movie is that?
american psycho
shut up. this board is usually full of naked homosexual men and you're complaining about the pics of clothed women.
zoom zoom
>comes to a male dominated website, posts on male dominated board created for male dominated discussions
>I can't coom to this!
This board is not for cooming it's for building muscles which is a male dominated hobby my fellow cumbrain, also post body, no homo.
What the fuck is this?
Indeed. I, too, am not gay. I just like doing manly things to get manly gains, mostly with other manly men like myself.
Yeah, but no one faps or pays attention to that shit
I like not gay men myself, no homo.