Can the user that posted this screenshot keep me updated in this thread? I really need to know how she responded

Can the user that posted this screenshot keep me updated in this thread? I really need to know how she responded.

>pls dont ban me mods Jow Forums is all i have

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>Jow Forums is all i have
same here bro, same here.

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Fucking jannies hate fun

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>not lifting and off topic shitposting is all I have
Not even memeing. Shitstains like you need to fucking go both on Jow Forums and IRL

post body

She hasn’t responded yet but I got a smart one here for ya
>Cambridge and big tits

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VERY TRUE, we should only be allowed to post the same old routine thread over and over

You first, non lifter

Call her gay

Fuck off back to one of your “ITS ALL ABOUT THE FACE” threads. Tinderposting is good fun.

haha wouldnt it be weird if i put my dick in your hand while you were meditating like in the picture haha xD

>meme arrows outside of Jow Forums

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please do this one please

based haha poster

>I dont lift. I come onto a fitness board to talk about Jow Forums topics to justify my shit life and also upboats/attention on my subreddit/Discord

Oof and yikes

>not posting the winner word for word into tinder
If you’re not gonna do it properly don’t do it at all

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Oh baby please smother me with your big fucken milk jugs! I'm dead fucking serious i want to choke on your monstrous tits til my head turns purple! Please Mommy please!!

sorry to disturb you, ma'am, i hope you weren't too close to enlightenment, haha! i am a certified tantrik healer/spirit walker and i would love to tickle your yoni (kundalini hole) with my lingam (or should i say LONGam ;p) this of course is NOT sexual. i am here solely to raise humankind out of its low vibrational energy field to the upper echelons of feminine divinity. So, what do you say, my sweet angle, shall we explore the astral plain together and unite with the mother spirit? please respond.

Is it creepy to make people into reaction pics/ memes?

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Ask her if she didn't make it to Oxford

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Sophie? More like Sophine! I hope you aren't the Asian one

Hey I matched with her on an account with me and my gf, she’s into bdsm

Eating cookie batter with a spoon every friday night doesn't make you a chef tubby

Fuck, this sounds hilarious and I’m gonna roll for it because I really want to send it. I probably will

Nah she put that pic willingly into the interwebs, her fault



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Here we go

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Fucking based

Still need a response to this one, boys

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Feel free to bring your mum instead

or your dad

Just send her loads of coomposting

its a thing down in Columbia, SC. USC's mascot is a gamecock, so theres a fuck ton of cock jokes going around about it, and its used by everyone
t. lived there about a year

"It's okay, you can watch"

tinder threads are the funniest on fit, dunno why jannies delete them so fast

Was thinking of a double d8 i know a great guy. He's tall, smart, muscular and one of his eyes is fucked up so he couldn't tell how fat you are

Rolling for either

I can watch if you just want it to be you two doing it that's fine with me haha

She planned this shit.

Cause jannies don’t get any matches when they try themselves

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Jannies don't want us all to bond as bros they just want fph over and over again

>my sweet angle

you already backed yourself into a corner with your shitty beta opener

This guy jives.

Way too long message, comes across quite effeminate and passive-aggressive.

How many times has she fucked that dog?

yes, like all the other girls down there up to like 60 year old grannies. its a thing there

dog women deserve to be shot in the streets


Post it user

Send this one word at a time with some time in between each:

"I can put up with the akwardness if I can meet the dog"


user you’re acting like I give a shit about trying to get her. I do not.

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You absolute mongoloid

creasing, thanks OP



How do you feel about the Jews?

Are you jerking the dog? Haha




Cute and fun.


At your service

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You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Message someone with unsolicited advice about deadlifting form and say you can tell their form is shit because they have a vagina.


I bet you both love long walks on the beach
How you feel about collars and leashes?

based and beastialitypilled

Damn this would have been way better


We’ve got an actual whore here, lads

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How'd you like to go out for a nice long walk and then at the end of it you can stick your head in my groin ;)
...Like a blowjob

I feel so bad for her knees

I wanna sharpie your pooper

>we're all young

Imagine if you started doing it with me too haha

That's retarded. You can only apply to one. And Cambridge is better for science subjects

no thank you I already have aids

Can I be one of those guys please?
Please respond

i bet sex with you would be like fucking a blown out bike tire

Extremely based

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Have you ever noticed that if you add an l to Anastasia it becomes analstasia haha down for some anal?


I know this nigga got dubs but can you post mine instead

Rolling for this. Be as obnoxius as possible kek.



Roll on this one

holy mother of trips thank you kek you blessed bastard


ask her how many niggers she's fucked


Why do jammie always delete these threads. Theyre literally the best threads on this board

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Tell her her value and the value of her future partners is going down with each passing minute and every extra cock she takes.

Can I also toss my sausage down your hallway?

fuck jannies

Sorry lad, trips>dubs

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If I get jannie I'm taking down this thread, faggot

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Because jannies are incels, unironically