What‘s the easiest to make protein rich meal I could make regularly? Nothing fancy but it should still taste nice

What‘s the easiest to make protein rich meal I could make regularly? Nothing fancy but it should still taste nice

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Protein shake

pressure cooked chicken breast.


If you want a proper meal, opening a can of tuna or chick peas is usually the fastest way. Cooking red lentils is also easy and fast and tastes good with only a bit of turmeric.

Literally cottage cheese topped with whatever shit you want. I just had some topped with blueberries honey and chopped walnuts, god tier

COOM. Easy, fast, and free

I make a pseudo-chili and eat it over rice.

Like 2lbs ground beef, can of beans, can of diced tomatoes. Maybe some onions or peppers.

It ain't fancy but it'll get you to your macros.

completefoods.co is a website full of recipes for the cheapest, healthiest, almost-but-not-quite-okay-maybe-sort-of food for bulking on a tight budget.

add low fat dairy, add peanuts and other nuts

if you want a "nice taste" you are a faggot who is never gonna make it

Attached: Bulk Shake.jpg (1289x965, 412K)

Damn you just described my go-to meal. Good for you user!

skyr with cum

This or chicken thighs. Thighs make decent amount of chicken stock for soups and stuff

Skyr is the holy grail if protein.
Taste is pretty much subjective, some people say it tastes like shit, others take it alone and say it tastes fine.


This is super simple unless you're retarded. You're not retarded are you user?

Attached: Chicken Sausage Pasta.jpg (2016x3820, 1.08M)

white rice with chicken. No broccoli.

Greek yogurt if you're not a psychopath

Based pressure cooker poster

>cooking yogurt
yeah no thanks

I think you might be a mong

>He's never heard of curry
