Can I still fuck my girlfriend if I'm doing nofap?

Can I still fuck my girlfriend if I'm doing nofap?

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No, only cute traps.

you posted cringe bro

Yeah retard what's with this shit where people think that you can't fuck your own girlfriend? I can't imagine even saying that
>Sorry Megan i know that you're horny but I'm on nofap and I can't fuck you

Women, hookers, men, traps. Actual sex doesn't do the same thing to you as fapping.

>putting your dick in a man's asshole is sex
kys faggot

what about hand jobs? That's like, getting someone else to fap for you. Is it only fap if it's your hand? Is it only fap if you're alone? Is it still fap if you're not alone but you're using ur own hand?

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No, you need to let Tyrone do the job.

what if you don't use hands? Is it still fap if you cum hands-free? What if you rub your dick on a shower curtain or roilet sheet and shoot a huge load? Is that still a fap?

And fuck yourself. Nofap is inherently retarded

Is it still nofap to use a dildo on my prostate?

imagine asking Jow Forums for permission to fuck your girlfriend

You can fuck her but you cant cum

Just fuck her and don't cum. Easy.

yikes and fagpilled

I always cum in 3-4 minutes without fail no matter what I try

>Can I still fuck my girlfriend if I'm doing nofap?
fuck off plebbit

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>tfw the self aware
>tfw I did this before I heard of nofap or it was a meme
I've only jerked off maybe once a month for the past 10 years. I told myself I only get to cum in women and it's worked well for me.
Only time I wank is when I have no woman or ability to get a woman and I'm going literally insane, spunk filled up so much my nuts are about to explode and all I can think about is ass.

No I forbid you

>he's not putting his p-p into another mans asshole

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What if you fap someone else?

Nofap = no jerking off, sex with other people is okay
Noporn = no watching porn, jerking off to your imagination is okay
Semen retention = no jerking off, no sex

Stop having premarital sex

R u serious??? Its NOFAP meaning no fapping ofc u can have sex. Youre so retarded op mcfaggot