Are stained teeth a genetic thing?

Are stained teeth a genetic thing?

Attached: 00_Teeth_Yellow-Teeth-Are-Actually-Stronger-Than-Bright-White-Teeth–Here’s-Why_167843159-Subboti (760x506, 51K)

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They must be, ive brushed everyday since i can remember

When i was 8 my cousin bullied me for having yellow teeth. I couldnt help it. I now use an electric toothbrush, i dont smoke, i dont vape and still they are yellow. I might get them whitened if i can give enough of a fuck

Nah, if you cut out sodas, coffee and most carbs your teeth will improve over time. Literally used to feel shit being stuck on my teeth 24/7 except directly after brushing when I ate carbs, now on (not very strict) carnivore, teeth feel clean even 6-8 hours after a meal.
They also got whiter over time, but maybe if you're older and the shit has sunken in deeper into your teeth it won't be as easy to get it out.

damn. so who has whiter teeth? your mom or your dad?

teeth are supposed to be Yellow
it's literally the way nature intended it

The most simple tip to make them whiter is to not consume things that stain. This includes coffee, cigarettes, tea, etc. Most hot beverages have a tendency to stain teeth. Secondly, brush your teeth at least twice a day, if you can do it after every meal it would be optimal. Third and most importantly, teeth aren’t meant to be white as ice. They are bones and exposure makes them yellowish. You can make them whiter naturally, and that’s my suggestion. Because whitening requires making your teeth weaker and also its not permanent, you have to go every 6 months or so again and everytime you do this it makes them weaker. Its up to you

It's a fucking bone, user. What do you think happens to bone matter that's exposed to the air? No one's supposed to have blinding white teeth. Don't fall for American propaganda of unrealostic standards.

>teeth are bones
>there's literally a skellington inside of me
>every time i eat, i'm actually just feeding my skellington
>thus my skellington is the one making the gains, not me

this, also brilliant whitened teeth are one of the things that scream shady greedy vendor/fake slimy person the most.

Brush with charcoal powder

Everyone with white teeth got them whitened. Teeth aren’t naturally white. If you want quickest results go do an hour session at your dentist. Even with flossing brushing and avoiding coffee they can still be naturally stained.

dunno man, I've drank coffee & red wine probably 20 times total in my life. No fast carbs besides some fruits for years, brushing 2x per day and my teeth are the right side of OPs pic.

Never had any issues with them they just don't get white.

thank you

Attached: skelly.jpg (720x757, 80K)

Do you drink coffee?

Don’t forget to brush for two minutes. A lot of my friend said brush twice a day but it does fuck all because they just rapidly brush around for 30 sec and call it a day

Your teeth are supposed to be off-white.

I find white teeth on a girl so attractive it hurts.

i dunno, but fake ass whitened teeth definitely are an american thing

fake; it could honestly summarize america

Glad to see so many people agree with me. I thought I was the only one who thought pure white teeth look offensive.

Do you use an electric toothbrush? Mine got slightly whiter after switching to one. Cleans the shit out of your teeth compared to a manual one. Not sure if it's damaging in the long term tho, maybe it cleans a bit too much, if you know what I mean.

Thank you skeleton