Sexual fitness threda

How does fit deal with semi-flaccid dicks?
I'm about to try angion method but don't quite get how long/many times a day I need to perform it.

Any tips appreciated.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't fap. Don't look at porn. Only touch your cock when your washing or taking a piss. Maintain until you get to the point where you get a semi and a test boost when you see a person you want to fuck.
If your not a porn/fap addict then you probably need to address sources of stress by cutting all stimulants out of your diet, getting more sleep and/or killing your boss.

G-Guys I’ve had this huge zit on the shaft of my penis for a week now, it got really big and painfully and it just suddenly popped, spraying this yellowish pus and clear discharge everywhere. Now it’s gotten a lot smaller but it’s hard and it looks like there’s something white under the skin, I’ve been trying to get a hold of my doctor to take a look at it but it’ll be a week before I can see him. Do you think it’ll go away?

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is it normal that my gf is always down for sex? is she a nympho?

Jerk off really hard or get a knife and dig around in your cock bro

Count your blessings. Either your relationship is not boring and/or she's not cheating.

This, trust me you’d know if you had a legit nympho

>day 3 of no fap

how does one last longer?
>thinking about algebra/ baseball/ distracting thoughts
>desensitizing cream i.e. lidocaine
>thick condoms
>orgasm around an hour before/ letting them suck or jerk it out of you first
any more strategies anons?

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kegels, reverse kegels, and edging

sounds like ingrown hair, with some luck the hair should come out by itself, it will not go away until the hair comes out.

I have a problem.

First thing in the morning I cant cum when I have sex. I'm rock hard the whole time, and if course my wife is not complaining, but it sucks.

It must have something to do with blood sugar or anything.

Do any of you have any recommendations as to what is wrong with me?

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its because you have to piss and its just a piss boner

Shiiit, I’ve turned down advances because for this bump, I’ve dug out an ingrown hair before but never on my dick. I just want it to go away

Look up tantra.

I concentrate on my breathing and doing the alphabet backwards

I had the same problem when I was in my late teens, too much jacking off / porn.

sounds like a cyst. If it were me I'd disinfect an exacto and cut it out, but I'm a fucking maniac.

bro i don't get how this is happening to people, desu the more i jerk off the more often im horny as shit and hard as fuck all the time

>Jow Forums
pick one

Do kegels make your dick bigger or is this just placebo? Been doing them for a while and my dick is much bigger than it was before

Train the PC muscles, better erections, not penis development.

I gained a half inch in length between it and getting fit, nothing to do with fat loss as I'm a skeleton and you're pressing to the bone to measure in the first place, ymmv, reverse kegels are the key to improve blood flow to the area, kegels are great, but you have to do both to relax that whole area, it'll make everything better

I have retrograde ejaculation. Its either caused by kegels or diabetes. I did stop doing kegels and my symptoms improved but when I ate a pastry my symptoms worsened, but admittedly I already fapped a lot that day. I really don't know whats going on

I've never been with a girl who wasn't "always down for sex". When you make an effort to stay in shape and be attractive, and actually work to make sex enjoyable for your partner, she'll want to have sex often

Most guys who complain about deadbedrooms are fives who managed to bag eights and then let themselves go further once they settled into the relationship

how do you go from this to piv?
Im on vacation in america never used tinder

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My girlfriend has the lowest libido of any girl I've ever been with. When we first got together we had sex often but it was decidedly not as good as the sex I'd had with others - she was always very reserved, quiet, and pretty much laid limp waiting for it to be over. It wasn't enough of a problem to warrant breaking up as I really enjoyed being with her. Although I sometimes wonder about it, I really don't think it's a performance issue on my part because whenever we do have sex she does climax multiple times.

But now she just really holds out. She claims she just "doesn't get the urge". Moreover she's really let herself go in some ways - she barely eats and has lost her once magnificent ass. I've pretty much given up trying to coax her into sex all the time and now I'm watching porn and jerking off the way I was when I was fucking 14. She insists she just is never in the mood and feels bad about it.

What do? I realize this is probably a bad place to ask but how to increase female libido?

I can’t cum during sex and I have no idea what my problem is. It’s not that I’m not turned on, I just can’t get to climax. Any brehs here suffer from the same problem? It’s more frustrating for the lady in question than it is for me, I don’t mind lasting. But how do I combat this?

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I had this issue when I first started having sex. I assumed it was because my body had literally become programmed to cum to porn on a screen. In a way it was kind of a blessing because I could last for a while, and whenever it was time to finish I'd just pull out and jerk off with my eyes closed visualizing the moment I'd cum to porn and it'd work.

This is sounding pretty familiar gotta say. Did it eventually sort itself out?

Yeah it did. Just keep having sex user and eventually you'll lose your reliance on porn to get off.

While it's still small exfoliate it as much as possible, ingrown hairs are fucking shit w

Thanks bud, appreciate the insight

Make it a game. Focus on pleasing her instead of yourself. Try to win, make her cum a minimum of X times before you go off. Then try to best your high score.

I genuinely no longer want to interact with women in absolutely any way. I want to want this but i just don't, their pretty spell is completely gone from me and even the hottest girl looks like a disgusting troglodyte to me, everytime a hot girl comes and wastes my time by hitting on me i feel my energy drained and i keep thinking about all the other creative things i could be doing instead of wasting my time with this vain validation seeking flesh sack with only a gash to offer. How do i come back from this anons?

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Just work on doing what you want to be doing and hard pass on all females who get in the way of that.
Thirsty thot enabler

>I’m on one year

She's got clinical depression or she's cheating on you

>How does fit deal with semi-flaccid dicks?
I suck them to make them harder

don't do it user, 100% of people in the US have HPV

How the fuck do I settle down during sex?
Like the caveman instincts just kick in and I go to town.

This is a bad thing why?

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>angion method
So does anybody have experience with it?
Is it worthy to give it a try?

I had trouble with keeping erections until I took about 9mg boron supplement a day (the same stuff that is in oysters). Thank you internet

I have no problem getting hard and staying hard but I have problem cumming. Like it takes ages if it happens at all. How do I resolve this? It makes my gf just tired and torn apart because she can't take my dick for such a long time.

Charlie’s legs. Oh my fucking God

I had the exact same issue. Seems like to much faping and being so used to those sensations leads to having problems cumming from regular sex.

For me it seems to work out best if i just don’t fap at all and hard fuck the girl for quite some time in a position that nets you some friction on the dick. Like doggy, mating press, or something.

Also a great tip: try missionary where the girl “squeezes” your dick by moving her legs in beetween yours. After she moves her legs together kinda slide up a bit further than normal missionary and pump up and down more than normal in/out. It’s more or less a guaranteed orgasm for my girl and since it squeezes your dick more than any other position i’ve tried it’s the easiest way for me to come.



won't happen over night of course
that's all have fun

let me guess, the one on the right?
in group pictures it's always the ugly one

don't do it
hook up apps are big regrets as soon as you grow out of them

Fuck every other piece of advice in this thread and every dumbass piece of advice people normally give in response to “how do I last longer??” questions. Fuck thinking about something gross, fuck “hurr durr nofap”, fuck kegels, fuck diet changes, fuck it all. They are literally ALL WRONG and are all espoused by wannabe sex guru boomers and literal incel virgins.

Here’s what you actually do: start out each fuck sesh VERY slow and steady, being sure to take your time and stop if it starts to feel too much like you’re about to nut. It’s perfectly fine to just sit there for a minute inside her and just makeout/suck on her tits while just moving eeeever so slightly in and out. Keep this safe and steady pace up for five to ten minutes, slowly start to pick up the pace more and more as you feel ready, and eventually you’ll start to go juuuuuust numb enough to not nut, but without losing any sensation in your dick. Practice this over the course of several hookups and eventually you’ll get your own personal pacing down to the point that you don’t even have to wait five to ten minutes, you can just jump right in and start railing her as hard as you/she wants.

I used to have early cumming problems, and I can literally go forever now. I can change my pace completely at will and fuck girls as hard or gentle as they want, with quick fast pumps or full deep pumps or whatever else. Then when I do wanna finish, I just have to refocus my mind a bit and then in a few minutes I bust. It is 100% a mental/mind-body connection thing, and you seriously just have to practice. The problem is most people are too afraid to take their time and practice, so they come up with all this idiotic placebo bullshit. JUST TAKE YOUR TIME AND PRACTICE. Girls actually love the steady build up too, like they literally go euphoric over it. Just act arrogant and verbally dominant as you’re building up to your zen point, and they will literally cream themselves before you do.

Made Jesus sad daily for about 3-4 months

Now I know for a fact that in 2 weeks I'm getting laid.

Is going 100% nofap noporn for 2 weeks enough to restore the pony to its full stalion glory?

Mostly likely not totally but trying can't hurt. Lift hard right before you see her for maximum test

Y’all retarded just slow down or pull out for a second before you are going to actually start cuming.

What the fuck is a reverse level? I just do a routine where I squeeze for 14 seconds and rest for 5 x 15 reps. After that I do 30 seconds with a 10 second rest x3 with squeezing for a second,let go and squeez again

A)She has some deep underlying issue that she's keeping secret
B)She's getting dicked down by someone else

NoFap retard. Also fuck harder

So I score multiple girl's social media, their snapchat, and then even facetime them, then the next day we never talk again. All of these chicks I met IRL but I don't get it. What am I doing wrong here? I'm making an effort to really keep up a conversation and so are they but it's like I'll talk to them once on facetime and after that we don't speak again.

The following day after talking to a girl, do you always message her afterwards? I've tried that recently and didn't get hit back and another time I didn't try that and still didn't get a message back so I just moved onto the next one.

I'm so close to getting it right here, so much effort has gone into it all but there's a small mistake I must be making in my methods.

sprinkle your conversation with dirty talk, dirty innuendo. touch when you meet IRL. when you feel the convo getting stale and typical, change it up by letting her know you want to kiss her lips, that sort of thing

You need to chill and only talk for logistical purposes. Texting is for meeting up only. You should probably go through the sidebar and top posts of Jow Forumstheredpill

Lemme guess, you hadn't had your coffee yet? Caffeine makes you nut fast.

Kill yourself. Get the fuck out of The Redpill™ mindset. It's a deep rabbit hole of misinformation

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Is she on the pill? Being on the pill did that to my wife. Soon as she was off back to normal.

What to do id im only horny in the morning? I would fuck anything that moves when i wake up, but at the end of the day it is the last thing i want. I blew off like an idiot fantastic occasions in the evening, but in the morning if i dont fap for 2+ days i wake up with cum in my pants.

I disagree

Once you get out in the real world and actually experience life, you'll agree. The core and base ideas of Redpill are true to a degree but the community is fucking toxic

The core and base ideas are all I was talking about and have absolutely been true. I agree the community is toxic that’s why I said just read the sidebar and top posts.

Either she's depressed or she doesnt want to have sex with you because you dont arouse her. Probably some relationship issue you're both ignoring. Sex problems are usually tips of icebergs.


probs depressed, went through the same thing with my current ex except it's me who didn't want to have sex. there's really nothing you can do, it's all on her.

"How does fit deal with semi-flaccid dicks?"

Most of the dudes here start my gently cupping the balls.


Yeah bro go on a website full of nerds and virgins to learn how to get laid. Getting info about getting laid here is a dumb idea to begin with. Getting it from Reddit is an even dumber idea. To put it in perspective this place is full of nerds who hardly get laid and Reddit is even worse.

pulling out for a second every 5 secs would get awkward after a while

So what's the ideal diet for maximum sexual performance?

Nah man. I ruled that out. Maybe it's caffeine, but I never drink caffeine in the afternoon or at night with no problems firing loads into her.

Just thought some other user had this problem. Guess I am alone.

Is stress really such a huge morning wood killer as I've been led to believe? I haven't had morning wood all that often any more for months now, which coincides with the time I started getting stressed out of my fucking mind. I did some tests, my hormones seem to be just fine and my T is perfectly normal for a 22 year old according to an andrologist I visited. I don't fap all that much any more either since I stopped watching porn and I'm in decent shape with no health issues. Never drank, never smoked, don't consume coffee or caffeine at all. For all intents and purposes, I'm reasonably healthy. All I can think of is stress.

More zinc
Go scoop oysters directly out of the ocean

user.. in order to diagnose you and find the right cure, you should tell me about your wanking habits, lifting & cardio habits, work, stress levels etc.
>Most guys who complain about deadbedrooms are fives who managed to bag eights and then let themselves go further once they settled into the relationship


>Count your blessings. Either your relationship is not boring and/or she's not cheating.

Change positions so you don't coom and take her to pound town. Women like that, dude.

Fuck in the morning

I know how to exercise the kegals but when do I do them during sex? Only when I'm about to burst? The whole time?

Also, more importantly (and probably a psychological problem), how do I not find sex so fucking stressful that I NEED to be at least a little drunk to not freak out the whole time? (Obviously I've never done it with someone I have a connection with.)

I've got the opposite issue of most people:
My erections don't stop and even the slight thought about anything sexy gives me a boner.
I have to cum two, three or sometimes even four times to make it stop.

Bro it's just a cyst. I've had a few over my life, usually after going for long hikes, and they usually occur when a hair starts ingrowing or gets blocked. It freaked me out the first time it happened but they're mostly harmless. Just try and improve hygiene around your junk esp. if you shave down there and if you ever pop one clean it afterwards and apply some kind of anti-bacterial cream.

Also they usually go away once popped but remain hard for a few weeks though you can feel them getting smaller. Honestly if I was you I'd cancel the appointment and save yourself the bother of whipping you dick out to be told the same thing.

How do I last longer?
Masturbation doesn't help and I only see the girl I fuck once a month so I can't really built stamina.

Lay off the porn.

Increased porn usage has led with dramatically increased rates of erectile dysfunction in young men, which is absurd. Nothing wrong with masturbating, within reason (1-3 a week, or less) but porn is no good. If you aren't horny enough to masturbate using your imagination alone, then you aren't really horny, just bored. Just like if you aren't hungry enough to eat something bland instead of something sugary, you aren't really hungry, just bored.

Be more forward. You're acting like you wanna be friends, not like you wanna fuck. They aren't looking for penpals, if they're decent looking then they've already got plenty of beta orbiters. Who gives a fuck about a girl's job or her grandma's birthday. Not you. You're there for one thing, and if she doesn't like it then she can fuck off.

Who gives a fuck about the community, you feminine fag. It's the information that matters, the information you admit is worthwhile, and it's the information that other user recommended. Nobody gives a fuck what you think is toxic you whiny bitch. All that matters is what works and what doesn't, and that TRP shit works.

Chronic stress is definitely really fuckin bad for you in pretty much every measurable way. Bursts of stress interspersed between periods of calm are healthy, but being stressed all the time is bad. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that were the root cause of your lack of morning wood, especially if it's damaging the quality of your sleep.

I wish I had a dad.

Im on 4 months of nosex with my wife for exactly the same shit (plus a newborn)
Also doing nofap.
How long until my winkie turns to dust?

w-while whats small?!
ur small!!!

On top of addicting pornography and memetic subversion, white men have become victim to a bioweapon that reduces epigenetic expression of androgen receptors. The bioweapon is administered via the food supply and vaccines and is targeted to Caucasian DNA. Young boys and male fetuses are most vulnerable.

I've never seen Dapoxetine mentioned in these threads and it's very worrying.

Every single premature ejaculatory has the ability to magically cure their affliction with a cheap pill you can buy from some Indian pharmacy online and yet no one on Jow Forums even knows about it.

Xenoestrogens are not biotargeted, they fuck up everyone.

Anyway to avoid them?

Stop looking at porn faggot. Don't listen too the nofap shills, it's a fucking Reddit meme. Noporn is where it's at

Not really, besides living deep in the wilderness as a hermit. Even that might be difficult though, as pretty much every water supply is contaminated.

That said, you can minimize your exposure to them. Avoid plastics when you can. Bottled water particularly, and never microwave anything in a plastic container. Repeated heating and cooling of plastic containers leeches more xenoestrogens in the contents. Use simple cleaners. This includes hygiene products, and laundry shit. You don't need fragrances, dyes, none of that shit.

gonna plug a good site, well sourced so if you think I'm full of shit then check out the sources at the end of the articles there

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Not full of shit at all, I've heard about this shit and I can totally feel the effects of them. Thanks for the site mate

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fucking cumbrains