Snake diet

Is this shit a meme? I been fasting for 2 days and i keep spray pissing out of my anus. What the fuck son

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>snake diet
what are you doing exactly

It's always some random slightly fitness related question with these coombrain threads. They're started specifically to induce cumbrain on others

Op should be ashamed for being such a faggot kike

Cut off the magnesium from snake juice, you're doing too much of it and it índices diarrhea when in excess

>I been fasting for 2 days and i keep spray pissing out of my anus
thats a good sign you retard

>Is this shit a meme?
obviously u fat fucking retard

what's a snake diet

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post body
>doesn’t know about poster IPs

Left or Right?


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You and all these other underage thot posters biting the curb

finna coom up in this biatch

People have been posting hot chicks on Jow Forums since the site began. I don't know why all of you losers are acting like this is some new, degenerative thing. Have you been browsing with your head up your ass this whole time?

>I’m such a khv loser who can’t get a gf I orbit hundreds of thots on Instagram and or Snapchat

Have sex incel and post body

>h-have s-s-sex
If you ever got pussy you wouldn’t be a beta orbiter
>p-post body
Funny because not one thot poster has done that or even lifts
Your own logic requires you to post yours

>no body post
Thought so virgin. Have sex and lift weights.

You won’t post yours so I’ll just leave this here
It’s the first and only thot poster to post his body, it’s what you look like until you prove me wrong

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just eat a carnivore diet bro
same results, and you build muscle

I would have given you advice, but you're just a c*mbr**n.