I’m absolutely fucked aren’t I ?

I’m absolutely fucked aren’t I ?

I have never seen such a shit frame in any man before. I weigh 65kg at 178cm, I’m 24.

I also have a slight scoliosis that fucks me on squats and pull-ups. Pics in a few,

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you look like everyone at 24 you needy prick

Just checking Jow Forums for the first time in months and.. you literally look fine.... please stop fixating.

Look at this shit

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Na you're good bro, i was in a similar state before i started lifting, just takes 2-3 years of dedicated lifting and eating and you will look good

you have a shit frame because all your lower stomach is fat making your minor rolls extenuate. You have no delts, neck or pecs. Focus on erasing that tummy and working on upper body

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>I’m absolutely fucked aren’t I ?
>I have never seen such a shit frame in any man before
Frame is fine
>I also have a slight scoliosis
So slight that we can't see it in this picture

You're just skinnyfat, start working out


Bro stop complaining, nothing wrong with your frame you are just DYEL. Eat big train hard.


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stop bitching pussy, lift heavy shit

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wolfman in fit

im cooming

Fucking ew

lose the mommy handles bro

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wtf why are your arms so long you look like an alien lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

Here’s a better pic

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OP, today Y bequest onto you the gift of perspective. You are an absolute pussy, I had 6 surgeries on my left shoulder and armpit and as a result I can't even bend my left arm In the way I need to to properly even attempt to make 70% of all exercises and I still work five days a week, STFU and be glad you have a functional body you ungrateful pice of shit.

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ik there's a lot of LARPers that swear they aren't DYELs that will say otherwise but there's literally nothing wrong with your frame bro, if you just keep getting gains and get buff you can easily be a chad even at your height

before u start talking about "muh frame is shit, i wont even lift", maybe u should TRY LIFTING? see what the fuck happens?

i would suck your COCK and empty your balls

But I do ! I have a 100kg max squat and my max bench is 65kg.

Those wrists though

thats good bro but u still got a ways to go. maybe ur frame is shit, maybe it isn't but u still have got to make progress to find out. those are still semi-beginner #s

lmao those love handles arent your hips. your hips are an inch or two narrower than that. you are just FAT. you fucking FAT ASS. STOP EATING

bro, just lift
there's nothing wrong with your frame
it's just obvious that you have essentially no upper body strength, so start working out


You look absolutely fine user, it’s definitely not unfixable

just go bearmode and stop whining like a woman

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The only thing noteworthy are those calves and wrists

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>178 cm
>Those wrists
>This calves
>Those hips
>No body hair
Time to trannymaxx, OP

EVERY FUCKING 3 WEEKS. EVERY THREE(3) FUCKIN WEEKS YOU POST HERE. YOU HVE DONE IT FOR THE LAST YEAR. YOURE HELPLESS. I can tell you’ve actually started eating more and lifting a little, but it is extremely clear that you haven’t been consistent, which isn’t surprising considering for the first 4 months of you posting begging for some magic answer to go from skelly to swole overnight before you actually even got in a gym. Get your shit together man, a year of slightly over maintenance and full body 3x a week is all you need as a beginner to do great.

T. The same cunt who calls you out whenever I see your threads, belittles you for being a faggot and then give syou genuine advice anyways knowing damn well you’ll never take or follow it.

You might have me confused with someone, I haven’t posted in more than a month.

I religiously follow greyskull Lp, but it’s hard since I’m plateauing.

spoiler, you're not eating enough

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This is the most bang average body ive ever seen

nigga just hop on roids and maybe, just maybe you'll be looking okay some day

Didn't Balkan Chad start out similar frame proportion? Now look at him, sick kunt

Are you also from the longarm tribe?

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Holy fuck you literally look like an alien it’s fucking over faggot go back to mars or wherever the fuck you came from

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Those arent heavy enough to say you lift. Hit back once in a while so you don't look like E.T????

Other than the wide hips and slight muffintop waist I don't see anthing horribly wrong. Poor but not unworkable user, it isn't over for you just yet.

Fuck off trap

Except he has no hair

Perfect body to play WoW with

Do lat and delt exercises to widen your shoulders. Lose the fat. Try pullups and chinups, they make your upper body widen.