>Just lose weight bro it's easy!
Just lose weight bro it's easy!
Cooper Gutierrez
Elijah Ramirez
Yes, it is. Losing fat isn't though(except if you're a fatass)
Sebastian Robinson
Literally just stop eating. It's as easy as that.
Ian Hill
It really is, just fast
2 liters of water, 1 tsp of salt, drink it throughout the day, no food, no other drink
Landon Smith
>just starve bro
Ethan Davis
Why are people so scared of starving? You're not going to fucking die, you're not alone in the desert, you know you'll eat eventually. You'll be hungry for a couple of hours, then that feeling will go away. Stop being a fucking pussy
Alexander Davis
Because I know fasting won't teach me healthy eating habits I'll just binge massively as soon as I end the fast.
Jacob Harris
Post weight
Brayden Butler
189lbs at 5'11
Connor Brown
>then just don't binge massively
gg there's no helping you