Help me fix my workout routine?

I've been doing 5x5 strong lifts for a couple weeks and I like it, but I really want to work out more. It is such a fast exercise and only every other day... I want a longer workout.

What should I add to my 5x5 program?

Attached: stronglifts workout.png (448x502, 12K)


Add some assistance exercises at the end. Curlz if you want to work on your biceps, dips, incline bench, etc... Whatever you want

Are you a 10 year old boy? what the fuck are those weights?

This is just a picture I got off google, but those are the recommended starting weights

I’m guessing that’s the weight for one side of the bar.

I do the same. It’s quick and easy to reference and track my progress.

I do SSL and this.

I drop Tuesday bench for accessory work and Wednesday for a row because doing squats 3 times a week.

Attached: 8CB4DC43-1D3B-4A2D-9110-A73DFEF8F4E0.png (812x190, 20K)

does it matter which assistance exercises I pair with workout a / b?

this looks good, start with fewer sets and up them progressively OP

Also to add I don’t OHP on Fridays or sumos on Monday.

Basically whatever is on SSL I don’t do on that workout.

So I start my workout doing SSL. Afterwards I’ll do the pic related minus whatever is on the SSL.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday are my cardio days. Rest on the weekend.

Yeah, try to do similar muscle groups on the same day. So do incline bench on days that you also do regular bench. For shit like curls it doesn't really matter

do you do SSL + that stuff mon-fri every day?

Add dips on your bench press days. But you shouldn't add them until a month or two in.

Yes. I just said I start with SSL then do whatever workout is listed for that day. SSL is only 3 days a week so Tuesday and Thursday are “easy” days since it’s just the lifts from the pic I posted.

Monday Wednesday Friday I do SSL and lifts from the pic. Afterwards I do cardio.
I’m trying train for longer distance running so Monday is slow run 50 minutes. Wednesday intermediate 20 minute run and Friday is sprints.

SSL is only 3 exercises....


Attached: 8C1E5687-BEB3-4CFF-8A9B-D95EE69D9015.png (750x1334, 831K)

From the pic related exercises.

Can pretty much ignore the sumo lift weights since I dropped that.

Attached: 262A6608-03DA-4060-A0D7-728CE1770910.png (750x1334, 1.15M)

if you dont want to change anything around, try exercising muscles that are less targeted in the program. do like upper back, calves, biceps, abs and cardio during rest days. maybe chins to throw in one compound exercise (which i honestly think are superior to rows anyway)

3-5 sets of chins to failure.
3x10-20 shrugs for upper traps (drop-setting these are fun).
3x10-20 calf raises (alternate sitting and standing if possible)
3x10-20 bicep curls (dont curl your wrists for maximum bicep recruitment)
3x10-20 abs (find something you like, i like cable crunches)
3x20 face pulls (to satisfy jeff. also great for rear delts and mid-traps)

do this every rest day in any order but always chins first if you decide to do them. if you want less volume, pick half of these exercises per workout but make sure to not neglect anything long-term. i always found that upper back isn't targeted enough in beginner programs.

thanks, I am new to lifting so I havent done most of these. How much protein you think I need if lifting 5 days a week like your program?

two or three protein shakes per day (30 grams of protein per shake). drink them with milk for more calories and protein.

btw since you're new i can tell you my brute-force chin-up progression. it's likely you cannot do a single chinup so do negatives: grab the bar, jump a little, do the chinup and slowly lower yourself. progress by doing smaller jumps and lowering yourself slower. i literally forced myself to do 25 chins regardless of how weak i was. after i could do 5x5 with good form i started adding weight. reaching this point took me at least a few weeks so don't be discouraged because you look like shit at first. weighted chins is the fastest way to be mired at the gym i found.

Supposed to be 1 gram of protein per pound.

Everyone starts somewhere user. My starting bench was 40 lbs and I'm closing in on 250 now.