I made a friend at the gym today!

I made a friend at the gym today!

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I suppose this is code for you lost your virginity in the showers

She slaps your ass in the showers and tells you to bend over, wyd?

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>Trying to bench
>Some 60 year old boomer comes over and starts talking to me mid-set

>Getting ready to go for a run
>Some 30 year old xoomer comes over and starts talking to me about Bruce Lee

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i wish i could make a friend at the gym, i even stopped bringing my headphones and started talking to the people i see regularly, but i can't seem to get a conversation past a few sentences

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that makes you a nornie now, you know the rules, fuck off

Comply and enjoy it

How is this a good thing? I've avoided talking to people at my gym and I've been going there for 15 years.

Tell us what it's like OP. I wear a ball cap low so I don't get lewd thoughts about thots. I also don't want to give them attention and encourage their degeneracy. Consequently, I look somewhat stand offish

I was doing inclines.

Grizzled boomer asked for my 2.5 lbs plates, and we started talking about Vietnam and then Rhodesia and other 70s/80s conflicts.

He seemed delighted that someone even knew what Rhodesia was.

Fucking comfy as hell man

congratulations on your life being a anime
someday soon mine will be too

Do it while sobbing then as she forces herself on you proceed to turn that sob into a wail

unironically get fucked in the ass, but whats it to you?

I am fascinated by rhodesia. We really stabbed them in the back.

>that pic
oh no I thought working out was going to help me...

If it’s a her what does she do?

varbies have clits larger than your dick

there's no way braddu pittu would have kicked his ass, user. that was bullshit!

What bloodborne boss is that?

Bend over.

>at gym late at night
>pop outside for a quick durry
>see some guy go back to his car
>continue my workout he walks up to me and asks for a lighter
>go out with him to see what's up
>shares a joint with me and talk about lifting and he compliments my lifts a bit
>says he works for the airline whatnot and would always be down for late night blazes
Guys not sure.. he had the voice, the job, the skin color and just the fucking way he acts
Hmm not sure this is the way I want to make friends

> I-i c-can't! What if my gummy bears fall out?