Choose one (1)
Choose one (1)
chin ups if i can add weight
pull ups otherwise
I do both, but can do couple more chin ups. They just feel more natural to me.
Chin ups are so much easier and more pleasant to do but back gainz from pull ups are great.
I cant fucking stand pull ups though. Dread it every session.
Why? There's never a scenario where you can only do 1.
May as well do chin ups for extra bicep activation, but there isn’t really much difference do whatever feels most comfortable for joints
Since chinups are easy, i usually stick to weightened pullups for me
In my opinion squat already covers all the benefits of both chin ups and pull ups so I just do squats.
Wide grip pull ups.
Neutral grip
I wish I could do a fucking few
for me, with the actual bar, weighted chin ups and on the machine lat pulldowns with widest grip.
I wish I could do fucking
stop wishing
Weighted neutral grip, otherwise my right forearm hurts like a motherfucker.
Pull ups. Chin ups feel uncomfortable for me.
Enjoy your shoulders getting fucked
Pullups are more useful but I can't do a lot of them. Chinups and hammer curls will help me do more pullups, right?
Why must always be choose this or choose that for you lazy fucks? It does not work like that. There's no magic solution in this business. You have to do them both and possibly commando too. This way is the easiest on your joints and the best on your overall development.
Weighted neutral grip here. Enjoy your tendonitis pullcels and chincels
hammer curls my girls
Hardcore nigga
I can do 10 weighed chinsups but 0 pullups. Guess my physique
jesus how do you get such huge arms with no chest at all. when i curl my chest is always burning
Pull ups, there is absolutely no comparison. Supinated grip is unatural and if you want bigger biceps just curl more you queers. A juicy upper back is the epitome of aesthetics.
>huge arms
relative to the rest of his body his arms are fucking huge and ripped for a natty child. you body dismprhic juicing dyel retard
Whats better for posture? Or is the best thing to just alternate each session?
better than mine
For me, it's Pull-ups.
Which one you choose won't affect your posture much, but make sure to deadhang properly at the bottom for them scapular gains
hey Rip, how you doing?
pull ups obviously chin ups is a meme to make you feel good about yourself
Anyone who doesn't say chin ups is a nerd who needs to get bashed
based swiss grip boys. truly the goat pull up
The only acceptable answer. Why half ass when you can go all the way?
Prefer the lat engagement of pullups
I love lat pulldowns, what's the difference between pullups and lat pulls
I always thought chin up was pull up and vice versa.
So I’m not that pathetic that I can do 5 chin ups and 1 pull up?
Anything under 10 for both is pathetic.
Well I'm saying this just because I can do 10 but only on the first set, next ones are no more than 6-7 and by the third set I burn out compeltely.
Chin ups are now only easier by one for me. First set I can do 13 chin-ups and 12 pull-ups. The gap between them closes quickly but I'm still a novice so maybe that'll change again.
Do negtives by standing on a stool.
Do the scooby pullup routine. I wasn't a fatass but it only took me maybe a week and a half or so before I could do a few pullups after not being able to do 1
Based Schopenhounder poster
Idk why I can’t get into a comfortable groove that feels natural when doing pullups. I feel like that’s what prevents me from doing all my reps I need to do in a straight set. When I watch other people do them, it looks natural. It feels better during chinups though.