Discuss supplements, vitamins, nutrition. Anything that is WADA compliment. Anything else should be discussed with the /fraud/ bros. What's your stack? Recommended products? Good/bad experiences?
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Discuss supplements, vitamins, nutrition. Anything that is WADA compliment. Anything else should be discussed with the /fraud/ bros. What's your stack? Recommended products? Good/bad experiences?
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Who /G-Fuel/ here
Everything else is too much of a waste of money.
Creatine only. I get like 200% RDI or more of every vitamin and mineral so no need to supplement those.
Always been a Syntha 6 man.
What are the best supplements/foods for sex gains? Also is there any supplement that reduce cortisol? My blood test say that i have almost twice the max amount of it.
ON Gold Whey, MyProtein creatine, generic Vit D, Bulk Powders fish oil, On ZMA, Bulk Powders caffeine, and a multivit/multimineral are my stack. Rate/hate it?
Arginine and ZMA plus no fap made me stupid horny. Like fuck a fat girl horny.
Can you skinny and/or fat fucks just learn to put some work in without thinking that you're being held back by a lack of supplements?
Anything but creatine, and vitamin D is fucking useless to you unless you're over 30 years old
Been thinking about getting caffeine after hearing it helps a lot with lifting and energy with almost no side effects. They sell it in 200mg pills here, one should be enough for me, right? I just drink one cup of tea/coffee with milk every day, so my tolerance should be really low.
Meditating post regular high intensity (weights or cardio) training sessions and clean eating (whole natural foods no junk or heavily processed foods) helped me control cortisol.
The combination of really high intensity training (barbell strength training, hiit cardio, kickboxing, wrestling, BJJ, boxing) followed immediately by meditation sessions and complete rest for 48 hours seemed to regulate my cortisol. Otherwise came back as too high or too low on blood tests.
Caffeine isn’t this new drug user. It’s thousands of years old. Haven’t you heard of google? Fucks sake bro
Literally no one is thinking that.
Make a bullet coffee
What are some recommended flavours and brand for protein powder? Looking to buy my first one
Thanks anons, i’ll try it
This plus
where is ZMA and Omega?
so you train like 2 times a week?
Not out loud at least, lol
why don't people here drop supps then? not like they're missing out on anything are they?
Get it from food.
Hi keem
gl with that boi
You're literally just making up people's behaviours in your heads and getting angry at a strawman you invented in order to feel angry.
No one has said in any posts supplements are a replacement for correct training and nutrition from food. No one has said they won't make gains without them. OP literally just asked to discuss what people use which is a quite reasonable post for a fitness board.
>48 hours rest
>2 times a week training only
Fuck me you have shit education system wherever u are from.
Does MuscleTech make good quality supplements? I bought Nitrotech and Platinum Creatine from them
ashwagandha reduces corticol. Worked for me.
Bronkaid and caffeine pills for ez mode cuts
Whey Gold Standard
1 SCP before Workout
1 SCP after Workout
1 SCP Before bed to keep me full
Opti-men Vitamins
3 After breakfast
'Woke' Pre workout
1 Heaping SCP before workout
Caffeine yes. Bronkaid breaks WADA rules. I'm not saying that's morally wrong as WADA are retards and I use ephedrine myself. But the thread is about WADA compliment supplementation with others for /fraud/.
This is a good stack. No creatine though?
I was getting creatine in my pre, when I was taking Mr. Hyde, but now I don't. I dropped about 3 lbs or so being off of it and look better imo. I like the more defined look.
Other factors could of been the reason for the weight drop, but I think it's getting off cre. I'll probably start again once winter starts and see how I like it.
Besides bronkaid and caffeine what else should I use to make a cut faster
I want to see my abs and veins
reminder if you take prescription stimulants that yohimbe will insta overdose you
How so? I heard it works like ephedrine
Multi/vit D3 - obvious reasons
Krill oil - EPA/DHA for brain health
General joint support
Probiotic + inulin for gut flora
Digestive enzyme/activated charcoal for flatulence
Beet powder to keep arteries healthy(increases nitric oxide)
I also have a decent sized smoothie with cruciferous veggies, blueberries and chia seeds(high in omega 3 to tip the omega 3/6 ratio to a decent level to stop inflammation)
I train for health/longetivity
R8 my stack
>Myprotein Zinc and Magnesium
>Myprotein Vitamin D
>Some multivitaminic from grocery store, actually has good RDA%
>Omega-3 from same grocery store, It might be shit but it's still better than nothing
>ON Creatine
>Myprotein whey, shit tasting stevia-sweetened banana flavour
>Melatonin from said grocery store
>meme tier