Redpill me on hip adductor/abductor machine

Redpill me on hip adductor/abductor machine

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It makes girls think its ok to be sexual

all machines are inherently gay

Nice trips. I've used it for the past year and my ass does look better. Only use it like girl in the first pic as I assume that using machines in those weird ways girls do (the pullup assist machine as a leg exercise is another example) is bad and will lead to injury.

Machines like this are what make going to the gym worth it. You'd never buy something like this and it hits functionally important accessory muscles. The face pulls of the legs, basically.

Pic 2 and 3
what is the difference doing it such a retarded pose?

Came here to ask this

why do women even do that backwards ass movement? the pads literally rotate around so you can do adductor or abductor from the same seated position

This machine is actually a godsend for tight hips. I have done high bar squats for the last couple years, always good form, no mobility issues, stretch afterwards etc.

However I have always kind of had tightness around my hip abductor, I would just stretch after workout and could still atg squat so whatever.

I looked into the issue and apparently the root of the issue is strengthening the abductor and adductors rather than stretching them. It hurt like fuck doing the exercises but after my first day of using the machines I knew it was what I was missing. Instantly better posture and relief from the “tightness” in my hips, nothing any other stretch had managed to accomplish.

The biggest improvement is in my shoulder posture, I used to always find my right shoulder riding up, I never understood because my back/shoulders are fine but if your hips are uneven it throws off the entire symmetry of your body.

Women use it for kegel, hips, and inner thighs. A lot of women after birthing become incontinent; working these muscles helps them retain urine easier and keeps their husband happy with a tighter vagina. And posing on one is trendy.

amount of attention you need from thirsty virginfags

There's a running joke between me and my gym buddy about which machine is the 'bad girl' and which is the 'good girl'. I'm saying that the 'bad girl' is the abductor, she's claiming that it's the adductor.

can help ur squat and some knee issues if ur really lacking there

It makes me want to slip my penor in.

>abductor machine
>you don't actually get abducted

She stupid. Everyone knows this joke

I think she might be teasing me.

>why do women do x

When my dad first took me to the gym 6 years ago he called it the "pussy spreading machine for women" i haven't used it once and never will, and you're a faggot if you do.

Did some cunt write on cosmopolitan/huffpost once that abusing that machine in that way gives a bigger ass?
that or (more like and) some instagram whore did it and braindead women copy it

looks like a thot machine.

I use this machine when I'm feeling lazy and want to browse Jow Forums while working out.

hip adduction - squeeze
I'm training for stamina by squeezing as hard as I can and just holding. Strength slowly wanes and legs begin to open slowly. I just keep tension for a solid couple of minutes until legs are fully open. Rest, then squeeze and hold again.

hip abduction - spread
Same thing, only spreading apart.

I want to try BJJ and figure having strong squeeze will help with locks and abductors will help with stability and general injury prevention.

I tend to imagine my legs wrapped around opponents neck choking them out with 120lbs of pressure for a good 2 minutes.

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The Abductor machine is good for your medial glutes/as a warm up if you really want to use it
The Adductor machine is something which you only care about if you either have an adductor injury or you're an actual bodybuilder who wants to get their legs as big as possible.

Can confirm this helped my BJJ. Heavy hip thrusts are great too. the best for bridging people off you

Good for maximizing gay sex.

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more stretch says scott herman

Currently at 5x5x2pl8 hip thrust.

Thinking about dropping back down to 1pl8 and doing 1 legged hip thrust (if possible) and working back up from there.
I imagine the balance and strength gains would be worth it in long run.

maybe stretch, but aren't you removing all the weight since you push with your whole body instead isolating the abduktor?

You can even train your chokes. Grab a foam roller or wrap your arm around your thigh in a regular rnc or guillotine and choke the shit out of it for time. Grappling academy and Eddie bravo have videos on training choking strength.

thanks user, I learned something

I do one-legged and two-legged hip thrusts. If there's a braphog nearby, I do three-legged hip thrusts if you know what I mean.

My gym has the adductor and abductor machines facing me and there's a sexy jailbait braphog who likes to use one while I use the other. She does those instagram positions on it and I get an eyeful of cleavage. I'd make conversation with her but I'm afraid she might be underage. She looks like she could be anywhere from 16-26.

*facing each other

>actual information on Jow Forums
Fuck me, do the jannies know?

If you have weak stabilizers then use them to build them up. I had really weak abductors and kept hurting my back on squats despite my form being good. Trained them intense every gym session and can squat fine now. I guess if you're into prehab they're good too but remember most women do meme routines.
this video helped me strengthen them

>mfw i started doing these a month ago and my posture improved too

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You think these roasties watch Scott Herman?

They're a good exercise when combined with a few others. There's some benefit to training these stabilizers.

you would've achieved the same thing by doing a wide stance ATG squat btw.


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Just fucking squat

You can get the extra stretch by bending forward, getting off the seat serves no purpose

>lower left

Women just do anything for attention at the gym. I've kicked some out for coming in dressed like whores.


As long as you sit normally, not like a fag or a thot, you'll get dummy thicc. Combine it with squats and squat variations to increase thickness
