How does Jow Forums cope with the heat?

How does Jow Forums cope with the heat?
>literally sweat so much that the droplets rain down
Northern Europe is too warm, i wish i could move further north if i could, like to Finnmark, cause down here in Helsinki it's just too damn hot, sweaty, humid, horrible. It makes gymming shit during summer.

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Arizona here. I just stay indoors

Quit bitching fag its 92F here with 80% humidity in south Texas, 33C for you eurofags

Cold and raining here in Turku.

I remember when I was a kid in 1990s the weather started to chill to 20-23C since the middle of august. Now it's 32C at September 3rd and no signs of cooling down below 27 in the next 10 days.
I want the fall, I'm already sick of walking around in sandals.

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i wish i could have an AC, but they are so expensive and are only used for a few months of the year

They're half price in winter brother

That's me too on leg days, I usually enjoy dripping on everything marking your territory
Just gotta wipe hands off before grabbing the barbell

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I don't know, Helsinki seems fine to me.

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Try living in southern Texas

Same user, I'm from Houston and during the summer it's miserable, although during the winter you can actually get by with shorts/tshirt if you're white enough.
Do you not have A/C, or are you working out outside?

No one has A/C in nordic countries

there are no AC's in finland

Tallinn here.
Looking forward to autumn & winter comfiness.

A/C's aren't really a thing in Europe.

By living in California

Sure u can u lazy neet

Looking forward to the winter that will end all weaklings

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i feel you eesti bro

You are all gay. Here we get weather in the 100s (37 C) with high humidity (upwards of 80%), and we also get weather below 0 F (-17 C). Git gud

Damn you're so tough. How can I become as badass as you?

I was shocked when I saw ya'll type this, but then I searched up the weather in helsinki and it's 62F. I think I'd be using a heater at that temp.

Try 91 degrees with 51% humidity feels like 103 here

I work out in the sauna for 4 hours lmao manlets

Move to iceland its never warm here

based knowledgeable user

>tfw you live in kolari and it's going to snow in two months

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Shut up pussy

62F and they are complaining about it?
what a bunch of fags I would kill to get that sort of weather in the summer


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Suck it up. I work out in the Texas heat in my garage and I'm still making it

I get swamp ass on the daily when I'm huffing around campus. my ass is like a perpetual waterfall and it starts chafing. I absolutely hate it

My gym is perfectly air conditioned. The walk home is fucking disgusting though, 30 minutes on redways with no shade at all.

sicily, basically North Africa

>He cold?
>Dump it.

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I sweat like much inside an air conditioned gym at college in burger land then walk into the heat. Nothing I can do about it, just gotta suffer

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