So I've hears that nofap triggers a 7 day T boost, that goes up and down, but goes higher if you keep going and don't relapse.
Is this true?
srs wondering
So I've hears that nofap triggers a 7 day T boost, that goes up and down, but goes higher if you keep going and don't relapse.
Is this true?
srs wondering
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The T peaks at 7 days according to basedience. Subjectively the longer your streak, the better you feel in my experience and that of many.
bros I need help im about to relapse
Go outside
That's good dumbass
Don't do nofap it's stupidly pointless
Nofap is a phantasm. It doesn't exist. All benefits derived from it are imaginary just as every other fantasy the right wing crowd has.
it's every 7 weeks you spike in levels
stfu porn addicts. fix your dopamine and reward centers
7 days not weeks*
Note: this poster is a demon who feeds on orgone
>7 day cycles
>even with no ejac
Do you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up? Big if true
But do I have to relapse to restart the cycle, or is it automatic?
Anyone know this?
Nofap is bullshit to a certain extent.
It helps porn addicts to stop watching porn.
Abstaining from masturbation for long periods of time is not healthy.
Ideally you were meant to have a female or a male do the sex to you so you dont have to masturbate to ejaculate, but we do not live in an ideal world.
For homeostasis I would recommend jacking off a couple of times a week. I used to jack off every other 3rd day with pictures and videos me and my gf made and my nuts and orgasms were the best, but since we broke up I deleted all her nudes and videos and I fell in the pit of jacking off 3 times a day to porn.
Currently doing nofap september to better my mental fog and cause ive never made it through a whole month.
Take my statement as you wish
I think the feeling better over time thing is a myth perpetuated by the yourbrainonporn crowd
I start feeling shit after a week or so and further my sex drive starts diminishing, I don't think "flat lining" is a temporary situation where afterwards you get even harder erections that has not at all matched up with what I dealt with
it just seems like you become less sexual the more you avoid sexuality
t. fag boi
gtfo faggot KKKumbrain nazi boi
t. has never actually had a long streak but puts the 90 day recovery notion as a pie in the sky to pursue in which all of the problems of their life will go away if they achieve it but ironically can't go more than two days without breaking down
I'm on day 30, lifting like a champ, my cock is diamonds, mind clear
T boost from nofap is real. Keep cumming loser.
Nofap is gay
True. I'd rather fap than have sex to be honest, it seems like such a chore when you can just validate your sexuality at home..
Please elaborate
no fap is a mental chastity cage don't do buy into the cuck roleplay
Eh, I felt better over my long streaks. It's basically just delayed gratification. You still want sex. It's
>I'm gonna work really hard to self-improve and fuck that hot girl!
for months at a time.
post body, k*ke
>calls NoFap gay
>prefers fapping to fucking women
Blessed sevens of Kek confirm that this man is truly based
>I’m such a c*mbrain I have gigabytes worth of nudes and thot webms to avatarfag with
have sex
Not a jew
What else would you masturbate to? You're acting very unhealthy with this abstinence obsession. No other time in history have people obsessed with it, fruitlessly.
i find when i stop looking at porn, my desire to fuck bitches just drops off a cliff, like fucking for me is more of an addiction than an urge
>So I've hears that nofap triggers a 7 day T boost, that goes up and down
>but goes higher if you keep going and don't relapse
The only person not having sex is you, puritan freak
omw to 88 days
>testosterone peaks on the 7th day of abstinence
>no regular fluctuation was observed if the abstinence continued
t. KKKum liar
t. Nazi
look senpai
mmm hot
You keep identifying yourself as a ban evading underage, post body
what? fight it out homo
What do you even mean dude, stop trying to win this argument
ur a homo man
shut up
My plan is to look at /s/-tier pics, mostly clothed, all the time to boost my test, never fap, never coom, take zinc, magnesium, and ashwaganda, sunbathe, and train hard every day until I'm beating dude's faces in on PPV.
It can't fail.
Just stop dude stop trying to win the argument
Nofap is nothing more than a right wing fantasy.
>10 subjects
>no actual numbers in abstract
don't get me wrong, i think abstinence can be healthy for the mind but this study doesn't rally say anything usefull in the abstract
Coomed twice in a row right before going to work, I'm feeling dead.
>Nofap is nothing more than a right wing fantasy.
what does it have to do with right wing ideology at all you moron? stop politicizing jacking off
I don't get how people do this without feeling weird while at work/talking to co-workers
Most, if not all nofap crowd is from the same flock.
It's just disgusting how they try to puritanize every aspect of their life. Being alive is a gift, be happy and have fun ffs..
Can someone explain this whole shame after fapping thing.
Maybe it's because i only cum to my husbando who i love very much that i don't feel bad after unsheating the katana, or maybe i'm just autistic.
I do nofap
Not by choice though, but because I have a gf
What are you talking about? What's weird? That's all in your head bro
It's just people who think too much about it and give it too much power
If I jerk off which I rarely do anymore, I just jerk off then move on, I don't think about what I just did, I don't care
How fitting that you use a picture of a Sith in disguise tempting Anakin to join the dark side.
>yeah bro just COOOOOM bro I never feel shame because I’m not a gay stoic bro
>what no, altering brain chemistry can’t be affecting my brain
It’s not about “not thinking about it and being fine”. It’s not all in your head, or a placebo, or whatever copes you have to come up with. Brain fog from masturbating is real, some people are either unaware of it or have been cumbrains for so long that they’re used to their level of functioning. The fact that nobody on the pro fap side is willing to even try no fap to test if it’s real is what should set off a red flag.
>we broke up I deleted all her nudes and videos
how much longer after 7 days did they record it to notice it didn't increase any more?
Nigger, if you're seriously letting it affect you that much you're just retarded
I'm not profap or nofap, I don't even think about it, I go months without fapping sometimes, and if I do it's never to porn
Get a gf, have sex, etc
>The man who attains genital satisfaction, is honorable, responsible, brave, and controlled, without making much of a fuss about it. These attitudes are an organic part of his personality. The man whose genitals are weakened, whose sexual structure is full of contradictions, must continually remind himself to control his sexuality, to preserve his sexual dignity, to be brave in the face of temptation, etc. The struggle to resist the temptation to masturbate is a struggle that is experienced by every adolescent and every child, without exception. All the elements of the reactionary man's structure are developed in this struggle. It is in the lower middle classes that this structure is reinforced most strongly and embedded most deeply. Every form of mysticism derives its most active energy and, in part, also it's content from this compulsory suppression of sexuality.
t. Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism
Suppression of what exactly?