
What are methods of increasing grip strength and endurance?

Besides deadlifts.

Attached: duddlies.jpg (1080x675, 158K)

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Fat gripz on everything

dead hangs, farmer's carries


Rack pulls above the knee

I still have no fucking clue how to properly hook grip, the bar is too thick for my thumb to get properly lodged between my fingers.

Just started using straps.

I think you just have tiny hands based reddit poster

Farmer's walks, axle deadlifts, heavy rows.

heavy rows dit it for me but now I like hanging from bar like monkey because I've gotten sad recently. anyone got any results from deadhangs?

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After your non-negotiables grab some heavy dumbbells and farmers carry around the gym once or twice. Takes a couple of minutes every sess

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Little shit that I do in the gym:
Finger curl the bar at the top of first few DL warmup sets
HexBar DL without using thumbs
One-hand rule for loading/moving/racking pl8s, Overhand crimp grip when moving pl8s,
Farmers carries with bare pl8s,
False grip on lat pulldowns/bar tri pushdowns

Other shit you can do:
Become aircraft mechanic
Go rock climbing
Use Campus board

after all my deadlifts I would deadlift 315 once and just stand there holding it as long as possible, maybe barbell shrugs & lat pulldowns/pull ups also?

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Literally just lift a barbell with some heavy weights and hold it

My grip was messed up. The hex bar fixed it.

I've always liked the one where you crank up a weight on a rope while holding the bar.
Whatever the hell thats called.

Weighted pullups are aight

Best thing that worked for me is doing farmer walks while pinching bumper plates. Start with 25's or whatever you can hold first and work up to 45's. Your grip will increase really quickly.

My hands are bigger than average but I still have some trouble hook gripping.

>t. delusional handlet and fingerlet

Barbell shrugs


Just hold your deadlifts longer dummy

3set each arm, 45mins. - vigorous masturbation everyday

ez grip strength brah

You have to train the three types of grip. Support grip can be trained with deadlifts and farmers walks but will really benefit from fat grips. Pinch grip can be trained by doing pinch holds with plates. Crush grip you basically need to buy those hand grippers. And for forearm hypertrophy do wrist rollers and wrist curls.

>am into arm wrestling and rock climbing


pullups on thicker bars works really good i think