>Girlfriend brought home cookies, chocolate and ice cream home AGAIN.
Girlfriend brought home cookies, chocolate and ice cream home AGAIN
Grayson Long
Thomas Russell
Just don’t eat them
Aiden Ramirez
I feel you OP, fucking hate that shit. I try fatshaming her but it doesnt work. She works out a lot just eats like shit and that makes me eat like shit because I am weak. My self control happens at the grocery store, not at home fuck
Logan Perez
I live with her and I can't handle having this shit lying around all the time. When I was by myself I simply didn't buy food and that was the problem solved.
Jeremiah Nguyen
easy solution
>"stop buying this shit"
>dont eat it
Jayden Taylor
eat it then have sex literally for those cardio gains
Gabriel Cooper
You misspelled gains goblin, now tell her shoo shoo
Jonathan Martin
she sounds fat
Jose Hughes
>tfw no gf
Ethan Baker
>Contains 1% or less of: basedbean oil