Girlfriend brought home cookies, chocolate and ice cream home AGAIN

>Girlfriend brought home cookies, chocolate and ice cream home AGAIN.

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Just don’t eat them

I feel you OP, fucking hate that shit. I try fatshaming her but it doesnt work. She works out a lot just eats like shit and that makes me eat like shit because I am weak. My self control happens at the grocery store, not at home fuck

I live with her and I can't handle having this shit lying around all the time. When I was by myself I simply didn't buy food and that was the problem solved.

easy solution
>"stop buying this shit"
>dont eat it

eat it then have sex literally for those cardio gains

You misspelled gains goblin, now tell her shoo shoo

she sounds fat

>tfw no gf

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>Contains 1% or less of: basedbean oil

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