Claims to be a man but isn't at least 6'5 (99th percentile)

>claims to be a man but isn't at least 6'5 (99th percentile)

Attached: +_8d0c1b5d5e32dfcda59f3224745dff96.png (264x326, 43K)

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Everything in moderation I always say.

>says he goes to the gym but doesn't have 26 inch arms like my natty ex bf

>Getting offended by confirmed masochist requirements

Sadly it became the norm because more than 50% of the women are undiagnosed ones.

Come on, it's not asking for being 7 ft. 6'5 is just barely above average

>claims to be a man but doesn't know bionicle lore

>claims to be a man but doesn't even have $1M net worth

Can someone post the edit of tranny Wojak getting BONKED on the head

Shut up cunt

Attached: 1560327497607.png (604x630, 334K)


Attached: 1451963385811.png (944x2955, 192K)

whos pink girl character supposed to be

A wojak version of a run-of-the-mill 20-something cunny

Attached: Ok,so,basically Im shidding.png (479x639, 383K)

laughed and sent to group chat. appreciate that one.

>claims to be a man
>is obviously two smaller, sweaty, hairy, doughy men in a trench coat
when WILL they learn?

Haha, thanks; I found it on this site a couple days ago

Cringe and don't-quit-your-day-job pilled

>wants a man who's at least 6'5 (99th percentile)
>doesn't post pics because ham planet

Post titties faggot, let us judge if you're worthy

Attached: 1561015692582.jpg (184x184, 12K)

Kek, take it easy Chris Ray Gun

Attached: manlet helicopter.jpg (1037x1037, 73K)

6'4 here, never had a girlfren. I think you can tell why. Its definitely that extra inch.
Fat and ugly girls love me though which sucks

I bet you're 5'7

>me taking away everyone who madposted in this thread

Attached: arrested for being 5'11.webm (720x1276, 1.95M)