How many months of squats to lift this feel?

How many months of squats to lift this feel?

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At least hes experienced true love. She would want him to make the most of his life and thats what he should do.

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>had a childhood friend
>she literally lived a few doors down for my childhood, we went to school together and were best friends
>she moves away before middle school
>years pass, fast forward to senior year of College
>run into her again, she's bald and in a wheelchair
>she had survived a brain tumor that fucked her up bad
>we reconnect, start dating
>because of her paralysis and some other fucked up hormone issues, relationship is totally sexless, but neither of us care really
>date her for a solid 2 years, she's recovering well, start thinking to myself that she might be the one, even though I'd be giving up having kids
>get a call from her mom
>she had a seizure and went into a coma
>died 2 hours later, didn't even get to see her body
>Still haven't recovered

Fuck me bros. I used to be a fucking optimistic person too, but now I'm just an eternally sad retard who is addicted to lifting. No kidding, I actually have an unhealthy addiction to working out whenever I get stressed now (which is almost every day)

How do I fix this bros. How do I get over it

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You cant. You will never forget this. Accept it. Yes she is dead but sooner or later we all will be. Remember her and still live your life.

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>fuck girl who is dying of cancer
>she actually dies of cancer

is he retarded?

>At least hes experienced true love.
Don't feel bad for him feel bad for me.
That childishly selfish attitude is partly why people like you are incels.

Find someone else to help you move on

psh thats nothing

>know a guy that had a female friend in college
>he had a constant crush on her for several years but accepted that he was friendzoned
>they always had their own relationships but were really close to eachother
>would always say how he wished he met her years ago, etc
>would joke that he was going to marry her when they got older
>"she doesn't feel that way about me, but maybe one day"
>senior year
>she overdoses out of nowhere and fucking dies
>this girl's mother gets in touch with him, "are you THE user?"
>turns out she would talk about him all the time, write about him in her journal
>her mother asks him to carry her casket

Life can always be worse. At least you dont have to live with knowing your oneitis actually was in love with you the whole time and you didnt save her.

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Some people